As a language teacher, should we pay attention to the Youth Language? | TEFL Teaching Tip

Описание к видео As a language teacher, should we pay attention to the Youth Language? | TEFL Teaching Tip

Presented by Steve Hirschhorn – Award-winning Teacher Trainer, Former School Principal & Director of TESOL.

Watch the full workshop here:

It’s rare that published materials include reference to current youth argot or slang. I suppose that’s because it would go out of date too quickly. This talk will try to examine the phenomenon of youth-speak and will ask whether or not we, as teachers, should be doing anything at all with it or simply ignoring it.

It will also link that topic with approaches to syllabus creation and the difference between top-down and bottom up course planning.

#youth #youthlanguage #esp #englishforspecialpurpose #negotiatedsyllabus #tefl #galleryteachers #cpd #elt #teachingenglish


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