嶺南傳統建築講座系列:龍躍頭發展 Lecture Series on Lingnan Traditional Architecture: Development of Lung Yeuk Tau

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Public Lecture:
Lecture Series on Lingnan Traditional Architecture (9): Tracing the Historical and Cultural Development of Lung Yeuk Tau through Lo Wai and San Wai

Speaker: Prof. Siu Kwok Kin (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Hong Kong Chu Hai College)

The Tang Clan has been settled in Lung Yuek Tau, Fanling, since the Yuan dynasty and is one the earliest known settlers in the area. Many traditional Chinese buildings and structures have been preserved in the area, including the entrance tower and the enclosing walls of Lo Wai and corner watch towers and enclosing walls of San Wai (also known as Kun Lung Wai), both of them are declared monuments and form parts of the Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail.

The speaker will mainly focus on Lo Wai and San Wai, which are included in the “Five Wais (walled villages) and Six Tsuens (villages)” established by the clan in Lung Yuek Tau. By sharing the stories behind the historic buildings and traditional rituals and practices, the speaker will lead the audiences to explore the historical and cultural background of Lung Yuek Tau.

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