Master Derek Jones Documentary

Описание к видео Master Derek Jones Documentary

Wing Chun Master Derek Jones was the fighting force behind the Wing Chun Style back in the 1980's. Having begun Wing Chun under Victor Kan in the Modified version, Derek discovered he was at odds with it, when it came to fighting. He was having to adjust positions to make it more functional in the situations he was finding himself in. With the emergence of William Cheung on the seminar circuit Derek would travel to study with William and discovered it was a 'breath of fresh air as far as fighting was concerned'. The Traditional Wing Chun was better thought through and more practical. However Derek's hard won experience had shown him that the psychology of dealing with fear and adrenaline had not been given the necessary emphasis, neither had grappling and dealing with situations where fighters get up close. Derek changed the name of his method to Body Mind and Spirit based on Wing Chun, giving him the necessary freedom to make the necessary changes and adjustments to the way he trained and taught his students. He would never know that with the advent of the UFC and more reality based martial arts that many would follow in his foot steps and that he was ahead of the curve. His view point would become much more mainstream in the years following his tragic and untimely death. Sifu Dom Békés


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