Mono Foot to Hand (2 Hands) | Quick & Easy AcroYoga Tutorial (Level 4.1)

Описание к видео Mono Foot to Hand (2 Hands) | Quick & Easy AcroYoga Tutorial (Level 4.1)

In this video we run through the key points of learning Mono F2H with both hands for both flyer and base.

Base tips:
• Place your first hand like normal F2H, stack the other on top, overlapping your index & middle fingers
• Remember to support the inside of the foot
• Give the Flyer feedback during exercise if the weight travelled or stayed in line
• Start in a strong position, arms slightly bent, but not too high, push as your flyer steps on

Flyer tips:
• Start small, feel comfortable first
• Step up without pushing the hand out of line of the bases shoulder
• Practice standing on one leg on your toes on the ground

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Never lose sight of the fun & playfulness! Cheers, Marie & Tomas.


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