592 Enhancement Shaman - Zekvir(??) Let me Solo Him - strat in description. Patch 11.05

Описание к видео 592 Enhancement Shaman - Zekvir(??) Let me Solo Him - strat in description. Patch 11.05

Enhancement Shaman - Zekvir Harmode ?? - 592 Ilvl - completed 23rd of November 2024 after Nerfs to both Brann and Zekvir.

Let me solo him - done 23rd of November 2024 - TWW Patch 11.05
00:00 Fight
06:57 Gear
07:27 Stats
07:39 Brann setup
07:45 Talents
08:06 Damage Meter
08:35 Healing Meter
08:51 Ending

Priorities in this fight.
1) Survive. If you can live this fight you will eventually kill it.
2) Kill Cocoon's(optimally before it turns to spider). It's better to exert cooldowns to dependably kill the cocoon than it is saving them for spider.
3) Interrupt Zekvir heal. This becomes even more important p2. When it heals for 25% instead of 10% p1.
4) Play around Brann. His potions leave a HoT that stacks. Just like his traps leave a stacking DoT. If Brann dies you can survive as long as you notice potions and prepare them for a HoT. Also, if you glow yellow, you have a damage reduction making you immune to CC, such as Enfeeble Spittle and the ear!
5) Damage on Zekvir. It's a kill even if it takes 20 minutes.

Very important, if Zekvir is about to cast Smash or Web, don't go to the add yet. Smash often goes on Brann, who might be wrongly positioned, but Web ALWAYS goes on you. And in p2 you wanna face Zekvir 45-90 degrees away from the cocoon to bait it, so you can do free damage.

For making it easier have some macro's:


/tar Zekvir
/cast Wind Shear

Best of luck to you all, Enhancement Shaman is good and my god does it fly over the battlefield, hitting and casting.

And uhm, for Enfeeble Spittle, yeah. You have the talent of Thunderous Paws. It's wildly powerful for this challenge, but, it does mean you can't enter Ghost Wolf whenever you want. The reason being, the removal of snares is a part of the movement speed boost the talent provides. Meaning if you use Ghost Wolf, you then get Enfeeble Spittle on you, you can't use Ghost Wolf to remove it for another 20 or so seconds!
Unlike with Rsham, I am pro at using Ghost Wolf on Ele+Enha! cough

Talents I used:

Where I took talents from! https://www.archon.gg/wow/builds/enha...
Sikran and Ky'veza are both pure ST target fights, so they're good to check for setup!

In the Shaman Tree:
I changed Spirit Wolf into Thunderous Paws. For the self-dispel in the passive.
Removed Wind Rush Totem and it's follow talent.
Took Hex incase I wanted or needed to Poly the spider from failed Cocoon.
Lightning Lasso for if spider from cocoon is casting and I can quickly kill it. Can move and use it, pretty nice!

Looking at talents. I am considering maybe I should have removed Purge+Cleanse Spirit and instead taken Healing Stream Totem into Elemental Resistance.

I'll be forthwith, with you, reading this. I know squat of what these hero talents do for Enhancement, I just took the ones shown for the best Enchance shamans in the world and went with it. Works well. I think.

In the Enhancement tree:
It looked good. All I knew was I wanted puppies to be up as much as possible and these talents do that, so yeah. Didn't change anything.

Stats: Mastery is a good stat here, but since I did it as Rsham just before, most gear was towards haste/crit/versa. Which also works decently here. But, I changed a lot of my versa and a bit of crit towards mastery. I had a lot of haste. Reason being, as a caster that stat is fantastic on this fight. More casts means more damage and less standing waiting to die!

My trinkets are:
1) Darkmoon Deck: Ascension. I fucking love this trinket.
2) Imperfect Ascendancy Serum.

Darkmoon Sigil, ALL THE WAY! And ofcourse it is with the Nerubian empowerment, to make it double trouble. Make it a triple with my trinket!


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