In vielen Unternehmen wird die individuelle Leistung finanziell honoriert. Die Forschung zeigt auf, was dabei zu bedenken ist.
Literatur zur Vertiefung:
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Cerasoli, C. P., Nicklin, J. M. & Ford, M. T. (2014). Intrinsic Motivation and incentives jointly predict performance: A 40-years mate-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 3, 1-29.
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Guzzo, R. A., Jette, R. D. & Katzell, R. A. (1985). The effects of psychologically based intervention programs on worker productivity: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 38, 275-291.
Jenkins, G. D. Jr., Mitra, A., Gupta, N. & Shaw, J. D. (1998). Are financial incentives related to performance? A meta-analytic review of empirical research. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 777-787.
Van Eerde, W. & Thierry, H. (1996). Vroom’s expectancy models and work-related criteria: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 575-586.
Leventhal, G. S. (1980). What should be done with equity theory? In K.G. Gergen, M. S. Greenberg & R. H. Willis (Eds.), Social Exchange: Advances in theory and research (pp. 27-55). New York: Plenum.
Park, S. & Sturman, M. C. (2016). Evaluation form and functionality of pay-for-performance plans: The relative incentive and sorting effect of merit pay, bonuses, and long term incentives. Human Resource Management, 55, 697-719.
Shaw, J. D., Delery, J. E., Jenkins, G. D. Jr. & Gupta, N. (1998). An organization-level analysis of voluntary and involuntary turnover. Academy of Management Journal, 41, 511-525.
Stajkovic, A. D. & Luthans, F. (1997). A meta-analysis of the effects of organizational behavior modification on task performance. Academy of Management Journal, 40, 1122-1149.
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