Penang Nyonya Hoon Kuih/娘惹粉粿

Описание к видео Penang Nyonya Hoon Kuih/娘惹粉粿

"我们的视频着重展示美食制作过程,所有食材的来源都符合合法和道德标准。" 粉粿是檳城峇峇娘惹婚禮的糕點之一,但現在很難在市場找到了。這款娘惹糕,就是類似綠豆涼糕,燕菜糕。大熱的天氣,是一款很好的避暑,降熱甜品。娘惹粉粿放入冰箱後享用,帶點冷冷涼涼的,食譜不會很甜,Q彈爽牙好吃。這次傻大姐做了2種口味的,一個原味((黃色粉粿),一個玫瑰口味(紅色粉粿),就看各人喜好,喜歡那個就做那個口味吧!食譜非常簡單容易,跟著食譜,很容易成功!

綠豆粉 50克
水 500毫升
糖 90毫升
斑蘭葉 2片
黃色素 1小滴

綠豆粉 50克
水 500毫升
糖 90毫升
斑蘭葉 2片
玫瑰香精 1小滴
粉紅色素 1小滴

模具:正方模(6cm 高x15cm寬x15cm長)

Penang Nyonya Hoon Kuih
Nyonya Hoon Kuih is one of the pastries for the Penang Baba Nyonya wedding, but it is hard to find in the market now. This Nyonya Hoon Kuih is similar to mung bean cold cake and agar-agar cake. In hot weather, it is a good reduce heat dessert. Put the Hoon Kuih in the refrigerator and enjoy them. This time, Shadajie had made 2 flavors, one original (yellow Hoon Kuih), and one rose flavor (red Hoon Kuih). The recipe is very simple and easy to succeed!

Original flavor (yellow Hoon Kuih)
50g Green bean flour /hoen kwee flour
500ml water
90ml sugar
Pandan leaves 2 pieces
1 small drop Yellow food coloring

Rose flavor (red Hoon Kuih)
50g Green bean flour /hoen kwee flour
500ml water
90ml sugar
Pandan leaves 2 pieces
1 small drop Rose essence
1 small drop of pink food coloring
Mold: Square mold (6cm high x15cm wide x15cm long)


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