4 Pillar Fitness Tension Stick Workout

Описание к видео 4 Pillar Fitness Tension Stick Workout

For this workout you will need to take a small trip to either Home Depot or a Lowes style store and pick up these 3 items in order to make an amazing multi use fitness apparatus!!!

• At least 2 1/2 Ft. Of 1" black steel plumbing pipe
• Same length of stainless steal chain that can fit through the middle of the pipe and leave enough length that it sticks out about 3/4" on each end.
• 2 Carabiners for each end ( I used the 200 pound qualified ones)

Once you have your tension stick created then you can run through three to four sets of each one of those exercises. You can superset 2 back and forth from each other or run through the whole routine three times with either a 10, 15 or 20 rep count on each set.
Make sure you keep your abs tight and let your head follow your spine for the rotation at your hips. Keep the band controlled by keeping your core engaged the whole time. Do not forget to do both sides!


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