懷孕後期要練!25分鐘順產瑜伽 Yoga For Natural Birth

Описание к видео 懷孕後期要練!25分鐘順產瑜伽 Yoga For Natural Birth

懷孕後期要練!25分鐘順產瑜伽 Yoga For Natural Birth




Katie MAK

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如你在練習期間感到不適,請先停止練習,然後有需要的話可向婦產科醫生求診。此片段的創作者(Katie Mak)不會對任何人士使用本片段而引致任何損害承擔任何賠償。

Prenatal Yoga Disclaimer

Before commencing please consult your obstetrician that physical activity is suitable for your pregnancy. This video is specially designed for pregnant ladies. All efforts have been made to ensure the safety of the sequence. However, if you have any pre-existing conditions and complications e.g. High or Low blood pressure, vaginal bleeding, fluid-leaking from vagina, abdominal pain/uterine contraction or difficulty walking, please do not attempt the video. We suggest you the seek help from your medical doctor or obstetrician if the above conditions happen.

If you experience any discomfort, please stop the practice immediately. The producer (Katie Mak) and its content disclaim any responsibility for any liability, risk or injury by the use or application of this video.


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