Qila Saifullah Pakistan on a Plate: Recipes: Krut dishes, Landhi dishes & Tukuni, Kukuri & more E2

Описание к видео Qila Saifullah Pakistan on a Plate: Recipes: Krut dishes, Landhi dishes & Tukuni, Kukuri & more E2

Qila Saifullah in the northern corner of Baluchistan is at an elevation of 2800 feet....traveling up through the expanse of Baluchistan's terrain we come across the khanabadosh/nomads who have traveled these paths for centuries.....their route ancient and permanent....borders have changed but theirs hasn't.
Remnants of our colonial past we also capture on the way. Traveling in Baluchistan takes ones breath away, you have to experience it to understand its beauty.
I was hosted by the Jogazei families where we cook and talk about culinary traditions, who are the Pukhtun tribes in Baluchistan and our shared history. Baluchistan is home to many ethnic groups, the largest being Pukhtuns...culinary conversations are always fun and informative.
For example, I heard a very quaint Pukhtun practice where a newly bride is asked to bake Tukuni to demonstrate her praocess around the kitchen but it is also the beginning of handing over the household responsibilities to her;

We also discuss the water crisis that Pakistan has, the situation is acute in Baluchistan in-spite of the sparse population. We discuss this and also the ancient Karez water channel systems. What grows here? What new crops and cultivations have been introduced. We also bring you a conservation initiative which protects the endangered Markhor of Baluchistan! there are several kinds! find out more here. What are these animals? Find out here. In this episode the culinary culture of Baluchistan at its fundamentals is shared! with lots and lots of recipes. I hope you enjoy it and share with your loved ones!
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