英德自駕遊!美食之旅!華僑茶廠品靚紅茶!四星級酒店飲早茶!2人消費60元!旅遊推薦!酒店價格!希爾頓550元一晚!最新樓價!濤匯星悅府!三房兩廳單位40萬!性價比之王!Canton Food Tour

Описание к видео 英德自駕遊!美食之旅!華僑茶廠品靚紅茶!四星級酒店飲早茶!2人消費60元!旅遊推薦!酒店價格!希爾頓550元一晚!最新樓價!濤匯星悅府!三房兩廳單位40萬!性價比之王!Canton Food Tour

   / @huntingarcher  

#英德 #紅茶 #樓價

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/1LP7Sh1ZBxXaj...
餐廳消費:香茜牛肉腸 ¥11,特價菜乾燒骨粥 ¥6,花園蝦餃皇 ¥23,牛腩湯河粉 ¥13
紅茶是一種全發酵茶,是中國茶文化中的主要茶品之一。明朝時產於福建武夷山的正山小種為紅茶鼻祖,因發酵後可以保存很長時間,1610年荷蘭人通過印度尼西亞殖民地將小种红茶茶磚運往歐洲,開始了西方紅茶文化。所有紅茶都是由灌木(小樹)山茶的葉子製成,目前分支的兩個大類為小葉中華品種(C. sinensis subsp.sinensis)和大葉阿薩姆品種(Anchimus subsp.assamica)。
紅茶是西方喜愛的茶,幾百年的飲茶史使得西方發展出了不同於東方的茶文化。而最早紅茶起源自1675年的英國,在當時紅茶被稱為做"治病的萬能藥"。 1662年,英格蘭國王查理二世和葡萄牙國王若昂四世之女凱瑟琳結婚,也順便把當時中國顯得珍貴的砂糖引入西方國家,宮廷內也開始有喝茶的習慣。自從紅茶帶入西方後,在紅茶內加入方糖已成為當時最奢侈的行為。在之後,紅茶也從宮廷括及到貴族階級。 17-19世紀左右,紅茶被當時英國東印度公司給壟斷,此龐大利益也創造出當時的大英帝國。
Hongqi Tea Factory is located next to Xiucai Reservoir in Yinghong Town, Yingde City, Guangdong Province. It is located in Kengkouzui, Yingde City, Guangdong Province, adjacent to the Tea Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was originally under the jurisdiction of Yinghong Overseas Chinese Tea Farm, Guangdong Province. It has a long history of black tea production.
Black tea is a favorite tea in the West. Hundreds of years of tea drinking history have enabled the West to develop a tea culture different from that of the East. The earliest black tea originated in Britain in 1675, when black tea was called a "panacea for curing diseases." In 1662, King Charles II of England married Catherine, daughter of King John IV of Portugal, and introduced sugar, which was precious in China at that time, to Western countries. The court also began to have the habit of drinking tea. Since black tea was introduced to the West, adding sugar cubes to black tea has become the most luxurious behavior at that time. Later, black tea was also included from the court to the aristocracy. Around the 17th to 19th centuries, black tea was monopolized by the British East India Company at that time, and this huge profit also created the British Empire at that time.
Yingde black tea is produced in Yingde City, Guangdong Province. Yinghong is one of the five famous black teas along with Qihong, Dianhong, Yihong and Sichuanhong.
Most of the tea-producing areas in Yingde are built on the gentle slopes of hills. The soil layer is deep and fertile, and the soil pH value is between 4.5 and 5. In addition, Yingde is located in the South Asian tropical monsoon climate, with an average annual temperature of 20.7℃, abundant rainfall, and high relative humidity throughout the year, which is very suitable for the growth of tea trees.
Yingde has a long history of tea production. Drinking tea was popular as early as the Tang Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, Yingde tea had already been a tribute. Yingde black tea is divided into leaves, slices, broken, and powder in different colors. Each color has multiple different grades. The finished product is heavy in appearance, dark in color, bright red in color, rich in aroma, and has an excellent taste. It is favored by tea lovers. At present, it has been exported to more than 40 countries and regions such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States. Queen Elizabeth II of England once used Yingde black tea to entertain distinguished guests at grand banquets.


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00:00 Intro
00:42 開車150公里英德華僑茶廠品紅茶/180元四大袋
06:05 參觀紅旗茶廠/華僑茶廠變身旅遊景點
14:41 週邊旅遊推薦/酒店價格/希爾頓酒店550元一晚
16:32 英德城區/花園酒店飲早茶/讀餐牌時間
22:54 香茜牛肉腸/特惠菜乾燒骨粥/花園蝦餃皇/牛腩湯河粉
31:25 當地人市場買水果
40:00 最新樓價/濤匯星悅府/三房兩廳單位只要40萬/性價比之王
43:59 Ending
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