One Life to Live 1/2/1990

Описание к видео One Life to Live 1/2/1990

Megan brings Raymond to the studio, but Bo interrupts to ask if she’s interested in hosting a documentary about Llana Flagg that WVLE is producing. Nearby, Sebastian is lurking and keeping tabs on all of them. Megan insists she’s going to New York with Raymond, but he is adamant that she not come with In the warehouse, Gabrielle and Roger try to tend to Max’s wounds while Cord, Tina, and Viki look for the detonator. They find where Al is hidden and are happy to find he’s unharmed (so far). Dan asks Brenda if she’s rescheduled the Christening, but she admits she’s been avoiding dealing with it. Dan thinks she should confront Michael, and he’s convinced Micheal is trying to cause problems between her and Larry, because he wants Brenda for himself. Prince Roland summons his mistress Helga to his office and shows her the pictures Sebastian has been taking of Sarah and Bo. She looks at the pictures and says Sarah will be perfect, but they agree they need to deal with her fiance first.

Brenda goes to Grandeview to confront Michael about his motives in setting up the trust fund and in leaving the bank statement behind for Larry to find. Michael admits he did leave the bank statement on purpose to show her the kind of man Larry really is. Michael tells her LArry isn’t worthy of her or Steven. He leans in to kiss her again, but she pushes him away (though unenthusiastically), and leaves. Viki is losing hope but Roger says there’s no way he’s letting her die. They’ll get out of it just like they got out of Eterna. Roger spots what looks like a fire alarm but turns out to the timer for the bomb, which has less than 2 minutes left on its countdown. As Cord tries to disarm it, Clint knocks on the door and Viki tells him about their predicament. Clint manages to kick in the door just before Cord (inexpertly) disarms the bomb and everyone celebrates. Bo tries to cheer up Megan as they drive from the studio to the Flagg House, but he soon realizes they are being followed. Viki, Clint, Roger, Cord, Tina, and Gabrielle take Max to the hospital. Julia arrives to comfort Gabrielle, having heard about the whole ordeal on the radio. Clint explains to Viki how he found them all. In the hospital chapel, Gabrielle prays for Max to be OK. Dan tells the assembled that Max has a ruptured spleen and the doctors are working on him now. After the others are out of earshot, Clint asks Dan what the odds are that Max will recover, and Dan admits they are low, about 20%.


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