The Ride Series How To: Jumps

Описание к видео The Ride Series How To: Jumps

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Well here we go! The firestorm that was the Drop "How To" certainly raised some eyebrows, and the subscriber count! I'm hoping this one is a bit more tame, but who knows. I can say this, getting better at doing it wrong isn't really getting better. I've been jumping bikes for a long time, over 35 years to be exact, and I've had MANY situations that have led me to where I am now.

I'll preface with this: This video is my take on BASIC JUMPING. Everything builds from here. This isn't the only way and it isn't applicable to every situation. You can choose to take me beyond literally and question certain things, or you can watch the video and try to absorb what I'm saying AND showing.

Teaching people to jump effectively and safely is pretty damn hard. I'd say it's nearly impossible to do on a trail, at least I wouldn't want to do that. An environment that removes as many impediments as possible is key and that's what The Ride Series MTB Skills Clinics does. Being able to incrementally adjust the distance as the rider builds comfort with the dynamics is key.

Here's the breakdown:

- Please remember it takes a ton of time and reps. Think of it as data; You need to have many experiences, both good and bad, to understand what needs to happen in any given situation.
- Approach in an upright, relaxed position. (If the situation allows. Again, there are certain situations where you might be in a more athletic position to start. This is for "basic jumping")
- Stop pedaling as soon as possible. This means you must have enough speed to clear the obstacle, or at least get close. Pedaling too deeply into the takeoff won't allow you to get a solid base for your body. I'd argue those last few pedal strokes will be more detrimental than potentially not having enough speed. A better position will allow you to load more and potentially get more height and distance.
- WITH YOUR HIPS OVER THE BB, Drop into an athletic position and load into the face of the jump. If you don't come in somewhat upright (or if you're already crouched like so many people do) then you can't drop down to load into the face of the takeoff.
- As your front wheel comes off the top of the takeoff, make sure your torso is back far enough (and your arms are RELATIVELY straight) so that the front wheel doesn't just fall away from you. If your torso is forward relative to your bike angle, then your ams will be bent and the front wheel will drop.
- Keep pushing through your heels to build more lift. DON'T LIFT THE BIKE!! Use the transition of the takeoff and load into the face as much as you need for the given situation.
- Once you get the desired lift, roll your torso forward to rotate the bike into the landing. To do this, I'd argue you need to keep your hips as over the BB as possible FOR THE GIVEN SITUATION. If you roll your torso forward (think about doing a standing crunch so to speak) then the bike will rotate, as long as you have enough tension in your arms.
- Things should be going really well at this point. Now you just have to land. Stay relaxed, don't "throw" the bike down. Keep your arms and knees relaxed and use them as suspension when you land.
- Smile and say "WOO HOO!"

I hope that helps. PLEASE drop me some constructive questions and comments. I'm really trying to help with these videos and I can obviously jump, so please don't question my ability. I'm TOTALLY COOL if you have issues with how I convey the technique and I'd really like it to make sense for as many people as possible.

Check out for upcoming Clinic dates or to contact us for a Small Group Event that focuses on jumping. We're also working on a curated "OZ Trails Experience" for this Spring. It'll be a kick ass weekend exploring all the super rad spots to ride, eat, drink coffee, and enjoy art here in Northwest AR. Drop a comment and let me know if you're interested in this limited space offering.

Follow me on Instagram and check out my prolific Story posting. I'll warn you, I tend to post a TON of stuff from my life here in Bentonville, to my travels around the country hitting sweet trails.

MTB HOPPER, HOPPER PRO: These things are LEGIT!! I've used both of these ramps with hundreds of Ride Series participants, in many scenarios, and they are great. Super light, easily transportable, easy to setup, and very durable.

Trust Shout on Mach 5.5, it's awesome!

HELMETS: Kali Protectives Maya 2.0

Zoic Clothing
Breaker 1-9 Jacket
Fall Line Flannel
The One Short

TRAIL: All American, Bentonville AR #howto #richdrew #mountainbike #bentonville


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