Asagi & Shusui Koi | Know Your Koi Episode 4 | Next Day Koi

Описание к видео Asagi & Shusui Koi | Know Your Koi Episode 4 | Next Day Koi

The Asagi and Shusui varieties of koi are the yin and yang of scaled and Doitsu blue koi. Asagi have a blue, net-like reticulated pattern across the back. They will have areas of red (hi) on the gill plates, pectoral fins, belly, tail, and possibly around the dorsal fin.

In Shusui koi, blue scaleless skin replaces the Asagi’s scaled net pattern. They have a single row of scales running down the back (dorsal line). The Shusui will also exhibit red (hi) in similar spots, but it can extend above the lateral line and onto the back.

0:00 Intro
0:30 Asagi
0:53 Shusui
1:42 Bonus

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