Kitchen Time: Canning Squash for Frying!

Описание к видео Kitchen Time: Canning Squash for Frying!

Hey y’all from north Mississippi!

More time in the kitchen! Today we are canning squash for frying! Trying out new and exciting things as we continue on our adventure!

Wash squash to be canned. Cut squash into pieces for frying later.
Add squash to jars.
In saucepan combine the 9 cups water, 1/2 cup 5%vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar and warm over medium/ high heat until sugar dissolves approximately 4 minutes.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of canning salt to each jar.
Add mixture to jars leaving 1” headspace.
Wipe rims with towel to clean.
Add warmed flats and finger tighten rings.
Add jars to hot water bath.
Cover with water till it covers jars by 1”.
Bring hot water bath to boil for 8 minutes.
Remove jars and place on towel to let cool.

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