Earth Day Poetry in Motion - Robert Rivest Mindful Stress Relief Educator, Laughter Yoga Teacher /MT

Описание к видео Earth Day Poetry in Motion - Robert Rivest Mindful Stress Relief Educator, Laughter Yoga Teacher /MT

Earth Day Poetry in Motion & mindful Moves with Robert Rivest. My background is in mime, dance, theater, improv, mindfulness, meditation, tai chi, qigong and laughter yoga. Celebrating earth day every day.

Happy Earth Day,
Here are a few thoughts on earth day 2024

May we celebrate Earth Day with kindness, compassion and joy.
May we heal ourselves, each other and this beautiful planet.
May we bring peace to her
with every step, song, laugh and dance.
May we cherish, love and celebrate
Her every day of our lives.

Grateful to have grown up in a time and a place where my family and friends could freely play outside and connect with the Earth and sky, the trees, flowers, dirt, sand, brooks and streams.

Later in life I lost my way a little, hyper focused on my career. Then the practice of tai chi reminded me of the connection of earth and sky. I became reacquainted with mountains, valleys, hills, rivers, lakes, oceans, trails, paths, woods, forests.

Now, every day is Earth Day. I rejoice and celebrate being alive on this beautiful planet.
Happy earth day everyone. We are one with this amazing planet.

Love yourself, love our Planet.
Love our Planet, love yourself.
Everything is interconnected.

This will take practice, change and conscious effort:
When thinking of and caring for the Earth, think of the next 7 generations that will live here. Think, feel, act, live, far beyond the instant gratification and quick money making schemes of today. Think of, feel for, care for, be mindful of, this beautiful planet and the people, plants and animals of the next 7 generations who will live here. *Inspired by Ojibwe author Patty Loew's radio interview about the seven generations indigenous philosophy referring to the idea that our present actions affect future generations of the earth and all of its inhabitants. Working toward a practice where the decisions we make today ideally, should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.

Earth Day Poem
One day 8 billion people began to laugh.
War ended.
Greed, hunger, anger, jealousy . . . vanished.
The Earth smiled.

The heavens cried tears of joy.
Waves of peace spread across the universe.
The End.

Well actually, The Beginning.
New life
New hope
-Robert Rivest


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