F-19 Stealth Fighter (Persian Gulf strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Описание к видео F-19 Stealth Fighter (Persian Gulf strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Mission 91, primary is a strike on a portable SA missile launcher and secondary is a strike on a missile boat. Given the locations of targets the secondary is attacked before the primary. No time limits so low and slow. Lots of id's from enemy fighters. so a down a few with cannon and Sidewinders! The Sidewinders keep missing the intended target before locking up a 'better' one and downing that instead!

Ingress to the secondary is another low slow trip north. The SA mobile launcher is attacked at 500ft with a Rockeye which should be a safe altitude to attack but massive damage is sustained. I think you either need to hit the throttle and/or turn away after release.

Lose the bay doors so the RCS is shot, along with avionics, RWR/IWR and jammers, might as well run for it at max speed. Get back to the airbase in a few minutes and make the landing. Lots of aircraft shot down and a few rules of engagement violations, but mission accomplished!


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