4 SIMPLE Korean Side Dishes | 외국인 만든 반찬 | Learn to cook Korea's "banchan" at home with these recipes

Описание к видео 4 SIMPLE Korean Side Dishes | 외국인 만든 반찬 | Learn to cook Korea's "banchan" at home with these recipes

I will show you how to cook four of the easiest Korean side dishes.
I have lived in Korea for nearly half my life and I am sharing some of my favorite Korean recipes.
Today we have four Korean side dishes that are perfect for not just beginners, but anyone looking to explore Korean cooking.

Intro 0:00
1) Seasoned bokchoy 청경채나물 0:18
2) Almond anchovy 멸치 볶음 2:32
3) Radish Salad 무생채 5:23
4) Spinach Sigeumchi-namul 금치나물 8:07

1) Seasoned bokchoy 청경채나물

150g Bokchoy 청경채
1tsp Salt 소금
1T Fish Sauce 액젓
1T Sesame Oil 참기름
1T Sesame Seeds 참깨
1tsp Minced Garlic 간마늘

1- Cut the bottom off the bokchoy.
청경채 밑동을 잘라냅니다
2- Boil the water with salt.
소금으로 물을 끓입니다
3- Boil the bokchoy for 90seconds.
청경채를 90초간 삶습니다
4- Wash under cold water. Squeeze to remove water.
찬물로 씻어 물기를 제거합니다
5- Slice the bokchoy.
청경채 썰기
6- In a bowl, add bokchoy, fish sauce, sesame oil, and sesame seeds. Mix together.
그릇에 청경채, 액젓, 참기름, 깨를 넣고 섞습니다
7- Ready to serve.

2) Almond anchovy 멸치 볶음

250g Dried Anchovies 말린 멸치
80g Sliced almonds 슬라이스 아몬드
2T Brown Sugar 흑설탕
2T Soy Sauce 간장
1T Corn Starch Syrup 올리고당
1T Sesame Oil 참기름
2T Sesame Seeds 참깨
50g Green Onion 파
1small Green Pepper 풋고추

3) Radish Salad 무생채

무 1/2 Radish
설탕 2T Sugar
고추가루 3T Red pepper flakes
액젓 2T Fish sauce
다진 마늘 1T Minced garlic
다진 생강 1T Minced ginger
참깨 1T Sesame seeds
파 2T Green onions
식초 1T Vinegar
소금 1tsp salt

1- Cut the green onion into small pieces
파를 잘게 자릅니다
2- Slice the radish into thin strips. Mix with 2T sugar and let it rest for 10 minutes.
무는 가늘게 채썰어 2T 설탕과 섞어 10분간 방치합니다.
3- After 10 minutes squeeze the radish to remove water.
10분 후 무를 짜서 물기를 제거합니다
4- Mix the radish with the remaining ingredients.
남은 재료에 무를 섞습니다

4) Spinach side dish (Sigeumchi-namul: 시금치나물)

200g Spinach 시금치
1T Sesame Oil 참기름
1T Sesame Seeds 참깨
1tsp Salt 소금

Boil the spinach for 45-60 seconds
45-60초간 끓입니다
Rinse under cold water
찬물에 헹구어 줍니다
Squeeze to remove water
짜서 물기를 제거합니다
Mix with sesame oil, sesame seeds, and salt
참기름, 참깨, 소금을 섞어줍니다


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