Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 75

Описание к видео Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 75

Looks like Reid Oliver's not the only one who can babble cutely :D Awwwww Luke.

I swear when Reid walks in the lobby I held my breath. Good ... SWOON.

Nobody can say that Reid doesn't care and doesn't have a heart. He really does and you can really see it.

Talking about seeing stuff.... NOAH. Dear god. How quick did you yank that phone out when you saw Reid? Wow. I mean you need some SERIOUS SERIOUS lessons if THAT is the way you think you look when you are taking a guy up to a hotel room in THAT sense.... well this is the young man who once jumped on a bed with Luke.
shudder hahahaha!

AHA we see gratitude from the lovely Chris Hughes. Feel a bit bad for how much I slate him so I'm trying to be nice.... see how long that lasts.....

THE SMILE OH THE SMILE. Birds sing, babies laugh and the sun comes up with Reid Oliver smiles. It's so lopsided and adorable... he should definitely smile more often but I'd never complain about moody Reid either ;)

OH NOAH, NOAH NOAH NOAH... you're so wrong sweetheart. Rooftop Luke kicks butt though.

"Just because you're too stubborn to accept help from anybody" ... GO LUKE! It's far too long overdue. It's so sad that people don't KNOW Reid like Luke does. Oh well.

Luke is so kick ass here and really puts Noah in his place. I CANNOT and still CANNOT believe that Noah has never accepted HIS role in this whole thing....! I mean he's said he's pushed Luke away but NEVER has he said "it was an accident" or "you weren't to blame" and has NEVER absolved Luke of the crap he went through.

Oh god, typical Luke Snyder. It's so in character for Luke to over react and jump the gun so it didn't come as a shock... Noah has no idea the damage he can do and it's all because Luke is so damned trusting. It's playing on Luke's inherently GOOD qualities and undermining them... that's just no cool.

I wish the writers would have kept Noah the way he used to be....aw well.

Everyone in their right mind knows Reid Oliver will not put up with such melodramatic crap.... ha!

And so it continues......


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