Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 82

Описание к видео Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 82

Still a continuation of Reid's last day....

I adore Van and Terri together. I think, in an odd way, Katie and Luke are very similar. They're passionate and driven by their hearts. They're both blondes and both know how to flirt their way out of an empty room. I love them both for their flaws and their good points... to see them BOTH upset SUCKS.

Oh Chris AMAZING IDEA. Incredibly serious and life threatening heart disease meaning he could drop down dead at any second and OF COURSE, the best place to be is on a golf course. Give the man a pat on the back!!!!!


Soooo anyway, on Reid's last day we get to see him play golf. The PLAYING (you must watch out for his swing, I swear I fell off my seat) is not even the best bit baring in mind he's a raging mad man and completely erratic which is always fun when it's Reid Oliver you're talking about! :D
THIS is what I wanted to happen but WITHOUT all of the heart stuff and tragedy. I wanted to see them snark it out and argue and bicker. I guess we have to appreciate it tinged with the tragedy.

Reid's so unashamedly self confident and his unabashed way of carrying on even when he looks like a class A crazy person is so adorable it's not even possible to describe! HA!

"Reid has a strange sense of humour" ... too damn right!
Love that Reid's never played golf before! It's understandable that he'd be turned off by it as it's usually got a stigma of the higher classes and their high ball ways! Also, he's only been bowling when he was 9, remember? HA!

Oh god the way he phrases things. The "hitting a ball off a little toothpick thing" is up there with "sparkly water crap" and other Reid-isms referring to normal everyday things : )
Oh Reid. Reid Reid Reid.... in fact Eric Eric Eric... you playing golf is second in line to you wearing scrubs. THAT is saying something.

Aw Bob grieving. Oh dear. It's just not right. It's so sad to hear him talking about Nancy like that. It broke my heart watching this scene. Don is a wonderfully stoic actor with so much presence and stature and to see him cry is so awful to watch. I do love Bob and Kim.

When I watch Van nowadays I can feel myself CHERISH every second he's on screen. It sounds sickeningly sentimental but it's true. I CANNOT believe he won't be on our screens anymore as Luke.

Aww Luke has so much faith in Reid. He knows him so well and respects him which is so beautiful to see. Luke is ever the optimist and is so unwavering in his view on the world. I adore him- can you tell?

OH REID. CHRIST can you love him more? "I'm gonna smack you." HAHAHAHA! Watching him confront Leyland without a care in the world...

"Like I'd want to be. A whole club built around men in pastel polyester pants chasing around little balls calling it exercise, don't even get me started on what golf courses do to the environment."

Wow. One of his best. Oh how I love you you sarcastic insufferable snarky bastard! (heard someone call him this and loved the phrase!!! HAHAHAHA!)

"You da man!" OH GOD I laughed for a long time. I really did. This episode is like a celebration of the joy of Reid Oliver the GIT! : )

And so it starts... everyone knows. There is ONE good thing I'll say about the end of Reid's story and that is the fact that there are some fantastic ensemble scenes. There is one coming up that made me cry so I guess that's a small blessing.

The fact Reid went to the golf course and located Chris speaks VOLUMES. He's such a good guy and also a sarky bugger ...for his last day in Oakdale to signify THIS is enough for me.


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