2022 MNH Biodiversity Seminar: Pastor Malabrigo, Jr.

Описание к видео 2022 MNH Biodiversity Seminar: Pastor Malabrigo, Jr.

Video documentation of the UPLB Museum of Natural History Biodiversity Seminar on "Philippine Native Trees: So Rich and Yet So Poor" by Professor Professor Pastor L. Malabrigo, Jr. of the Department of Forest Biological Sciences, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, and Manager, UPLB Land Grant Management Office, UPLB, College, Laguna on 12 March 2022.


The Philippines despite its small land area is one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world and because of the high endemism in the country, it is considered by IUCN as one of the most important countries for conserving diversity of life on earth. Its exceptional floristic richness makes it a land of innumerable tree species of economic and ecological significance. Based on our most recent database, we have around 3,283 native trees, of which 1,487 are endemic. Unfortunately, despite its great ecological, economic, and cultural importance, Philippine native trees remain poorly known and poorly studied and therefore poorly appreciated, poorly utilized, and poorly conserved. With only 7% of its original forest cover remaining, Philippine trees as well as the associated plants in the forests, are probably the most threatened in the planet. It is therefore very urgent for the current generation, from all walks of life, to take consensus actions on how we can maintain, if not bring back to abundance, the remaining biodiversity that we have. Otherwise, we are depriving our future generations of the beauty and importance of our country’s environment, including our precious native trees.

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