Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread/Still Easy

Описание к видео Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread/Still Easy

I can't wait to try this for my artesian loaves and rolls too. This was a little more hands-on than normal but still not bad. I say only 30min of hands-on time and so worth it.

*1c active starter
*1c warm water
*1 1/2 cups flour
*2 tablespoons butter
*2 tablespoons honey (any sweetener)
*1 1/2 cups milk
*5c flour
*1 tablespoon salt

"First Ferment" (Making Second Starter)-
-Add 1 cup of the active starter and 1 cup of the warm water in a bowl and mix together
-Add 1 1/2 cups of flour and mix all ingredients together until the flour is wet and there are no dry spots
-Cover with plastic and let ferment over night for an active starter in the morning

"Second Ferment" (Making the Dough)-
-The next morning melt butter, honey (any sweetener) and milk in a small pot on low heat till smooth
-Add milk mixture to the starter and mix
-Add 5ish cups of flour and the salt and mix until it's smooth and stretchy
-Cover with plastic and let double in size (2-4 hours)
-Poor out onto floured surface and divide dough in 2
-Roll out into a rectangle and then fold 1 corner over to make a triangle. Then take the other corner and fold to a triangle again
-Now roll it into a log while tuck and folding to get it smooth on top
-Place dough in a bread pan and set somewhere warm covered for another 2-4 hours till it rises again (looking for it to not spring back out when you push it in)
-Bake at 475 degrees Fahrenheit for 25-35 minutes or until it's golden on top
-Let cool on a cooling rack for at least 20 minutes


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