Dr. Amy McGuire: The Art, Science and Practicality of Fuelling Athletes

Описание к видео Dr. Amy McGuire: The Art, Science and Practicality of Fuelling Athletes

In this episode, we were lucky enough to be joined by Amy McGuire. Amy is both a SENR registered Performance Nutritionist, and academic – heading up the Department of Sport and Early Childhood Studies at the Technological University of the Shannon (TUS). Our discussion focussed on fuelling GAA, the challenges of fuelling athletes balancing training, work, family and life, providing practical guidance, the issue of low energy availability … and the importance of always asking questions and learning. As always, we only just scratched the surface of all we could have chatted about with Amy. There will be a part 2 (and maybe 3, 4 …!). Thank you Amy!

One topic we discussed on the podcast is low energy availability - Amy has a new paper out looking at this in association with bone health and endocrine function. I highly recommend the read, it’s incredibly interesting and with huge applied value: PMID 38953963

Keep in touch with Amy:
Insta: @amymcguirenutrition
Website: https://www.amymcguirenutrition.com/


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