TEDxPrague - Pavel Blažek - Neúspěch - nejlepších způsob, jak se něco naučit

Описание к видео TEDxPrague - Pavel Blažek - Neúspěch - nejlepších způsob, jak se něco naučit

První český pokořitel Bajkalu

Pavel Blažek se vyučil truhlářem, živil se výškovými pracemi, podnikal ve stavebnictví. Nakonec se zamiloval do počítačů, naučil se programovat a stal se webdesignerem. Od 15 let je nadšeným horolezcem a cestovatelem. Hodně času strávil v USA, kde „objevil" polární expedice, a po návratu do ČR je sám začal organizovat. Přes veškerou snahu byly první dvě výpravy podle Pavla „naprostou tragédií" a zklamáním, které mu na čas vzalo iluze, chuť i odvahu do dalších pokusů. Zaměřil se proto jiným směrem a na dva roky se stal součástí projektu stavby školy v indickém Himálaji. V roce 2010 se k expedicím vrátil a v rámci úspěšné expedice Bergans Bajkal 2010 se stal prvním Čechem, který kdy přešel zamrzlé jezero Bajkal. Své neúspěchy bere Pavel jako součást cesty k úspěchu, a proto se nezdráhá o nich mluvit.

[ENGLISH] - subtitles coming soon
The first Czech who conquered Baikal

Trained as a cabinet maker, he worked in heights and did business in construction. Eventually he fell in love with computers, taught himself to program and became a web designer. Since the age of 15 he has been an avid mountaineer and explorer. He spent a lot of time in the USA, where he "discovered" polar expeditions, and when he returned to the Czech Republic, he began to organize them himself. Despite all his efforts, the first two expeditions were "absolute tragedy" and disappointment to Pavel that took his illusions, desire and courage to try this again for some time. Therefore he focused on another direction and participated in a school construction project in the Indian Himalayas for two years. In 2010 he returned to expeditions and during the successful expedition Bergans Baikal 2010 he became the first Czech who has ever crossed the frozen Lake Baikal. Paul takes his failures as part of the path to success, and that's why he doesn't hesitate to talk about them.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)


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