日式醬煮魚 (魚の煮付け) Japanese style poach fish (English Subtitle)

Описание к видео 日式醬煮魚 (魚の煮付け) Japanese style poach fish (English Subtitle)

日本醬煮魚/日式紅燒魚/Japanese style poach fish

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今次呢條醬煮魚嘅片改了又改,最初我係將劏魚同埋所有配菜嘅處理方法都放在同一條片上,但是這條片嘅長度去到二十多分鐘,所以最後我將這條醬煮魚嘅片分成咗不同嘅影片. 希望你們鍾意!

0:23 Ingredients /材料包括
0:51 Preparation/烹前準備
1:51 Mix the sauce/混合醬料
2:16 Let's Cook
4:30 Plating
5:03 Coming Next/下集預告

Ingredients /材料包括

日本濃口醬油 80 ml
味醂 80 ml
砂糖 2 tbsp
牛蒡 20 cm
新鮮冬菇 3 pcs
薑 15g
大蔥 15g
清酒 200 ml
水 400 ml
魚 一條 (700-800g)


2. 牛蒡去皮及把牛蒡煮軟
3. 生薑切片
4. 製作烘焙紙蓋
5. 大蔥切幼絲,然後浸冰水
6. 魚身每面都解出十字紋
7. 混合所有醬油. 把醬油,味醂和砂糖混合容器內
8. 把清酒和水放進另一個容器內


1. 先把混合醬油和三分一的清酒和水煮滾
2. 把魚,牛蒡和冬菇放進煮滾的將醬油內
3. 把烘焙紙落蓋蓋在魚身上
4. 當醬汁滾起時,再倒進三分一的清酒和水
5. 當醬汁再度滾起時,把餘下的清酒和水加進去
6. 取出烘焙紙落蓋,不斷澆上醬汁在魚身上
7. 當你見到魚身上十字紋開始收縮時,便把烘焙紙落蓋重新蓋上
8. 蓋上兩分鐘後,便把烘焙紙蓋取走
9. 不斷澆上醬汁在魚身上直至魚眼變色
10. 用鋼針或竹籤檢查魚生是否煮熟
11. 把魚取出並且收汁
12. 取出配菜, 醬汁過濾
13. 把配菜放到魚的四周,把上大蔥並淋上醬汁,完成


Soy sauces 80ml
Mirin 80 ml
Sugar 2 tbsp
Burdock 20 cm
Mushroom 3 pcs
Ginger 15g
Leek 15g
Sake 200 ml
Water 400ml
Fish 700g


1.Carve the mushroom
2.Boil the burdock until tender
3.Slice 3 pieces of ginger.
4.Make a parchment paper lid
5.Thinly slice the leek and put them in cold water.
6.Cut a cross on both side of the fish
7.Put the soy sauce, mirin and sugar in a container.
8.Put the water and sake in another container.

Let's cook

1.Boil the soy sauce mix with 200 ml of sake and water mix
2.Put the fish, burdock and mushroom into boiling sauce.
3.Put a parchment paper lid on top of the fish
4.Pour in 200 ml of sake and water mix when the sauce boils
5.Pour the remaining sake mix when sauce boils again.
6.Baste the sauce over the fish .
7.Cover it with parchment paper again for 2 mins
8.Baste the sauce over the fish until the fish eye is cooked
9.Final check of the fish's doneness
10.Take out the fish and reduce the sauce.
11.Take out garnish and sieve the sauce
12.Decorate the fish with leek and pour in the sauces

#日式醬煮魚 #(魚の煮付け) #Japanese style poach fish (English Subtitle)
Uncle Ray food lab
R叔食堂 #R叔飯堂
Japanese cooking


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