Spotting at Frankfurt (04/05/24)

Описание к видео Spotting at Frankfurt (04/05/24)

Title Music:- All rights Reserved - Muse: United States of Eurasia [+Collateral Damage]

PLEASE NOTE: - Throughout my next few videos (including this one), you'll likely notice that the audio is not up to it's usual standards. Unfortunately it seems I didn't properly configure my external microphone to work with my new camcorder which is has led to the sound being massively distorted for large portions of the video. To say I'm devastated about this is an understatement, especially when this was a trip I've been looking forward to for so long. I always try to provide as high a quality footage as possible, and I can only apologise for the impact this issue will have on your viewing experience. Where the distortion is at it's worse I've looked to tweak the audio as best I can to limit how much distortion you can hear, so if you experience varying levels of volume throughout the video, that's something on my side, not yours. Nonetheless, I hope you can enjoy the video.

After a long delay (sorry about that), here is footage from day two of spotting at Frankfurt. The second day presented a nice change in the shape of having aircraft taking off towards - primarily off of RWY 07C. This offered a great new perspective on some of the aircraft I'd spotted the previous day taking off on RWY 25, particularly the Lufthansa heavies.

The vast majority of footage is captured from the Zeppelinheim viewing deck again, however from 56:43, footage is taken from the Besucherterrasse on top of Terminal 2. Whilst this is a good space for spotting, the small holes cut into the fence, and the lack of these holes meant it was not overly practical for videoing aircraft, and I'm glad we hadn't spent the whole trip spotting from there.

Definite highlights of the day included the Turkmenistan 777-300 and the Mongolian 787-9, as I doubt I'll be seeing these aircraft again any time soon.

I hope you enjoy!


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