Ujjayi Level-2 || Ujjayi with Khechari Mudra || Pranayama || Ocean Breath || Victorious Breath ||

Описание к видео Ujjayi Level-2 || Ujjayi with Khechari Mudra || Pranayama || Ocean Breath || Victorious Breath ||

Ujjayi level -2 is basically the next level in the journey of Ujjayi Pranayama. We perform Ujjayi, without breath retention, and simultaneously apply Khechari Mudra. It is critical that you master both Ujjayi Level -1 and Khechari Mudra before attempting this. You can check the detailed write up Ujjayi on this link.

Ujjayi Level-2 is more effective in handling High BP than the basic Ujjayi Breathing. This is because Ujjayi -2 engages the carotid sinus exclusively.


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