Ujjayi Level-I || Pranayama||Ocean Breath||Victorious Breath||Breath with sound||Psychic Breathing

Описание к видео Ujjayi Level-I || Pranayama||Ocean Breath||Victorious Breath||Breath with sound||Psychic Breathing

Ujjayi Pranayama is one of the important Pranayama mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

In this video, I am explaining the first level of Ujjayi Pranayama, which is at the breathing level and without breath retention. During this practice, we constrict the back of the throat so that the glottis is partially closed and we inhale and exhale from that partially open glottis.

One should ponder upon the multitude benefits of Ujjayi one receives, with deliberately constricted throat passage. And, then, contemplate upon the staggering rewards, the same practice will yield, if the said throat passage is left un-constricted and wide open.

As the air passage is narrowed, we need lot of muscular effort to push the air through which creates friction and therefore, a sound equal to hissing sound. That's the reason, this is also called 'The Breath of Sound'

Its ‘Instant Energy Boost’ nature helps athletes perform better during their games. In fact, Ujjayi is performed distinctly in many yogasanas because the abdominal engagement, during its practice, puts pressure on the abdominal cavity, which in turn, supports the spine during the practice.

This ‘Victorious Breathing’ as it is called, is capable of bringing victory on different forms of lifestyle -be it a layman’s sedentary desk bound dwelling, a diseased person’s suffering or an athlete’s intensely dynamic movements. This practice has the power to regulate one’s heart beat and systolic blood pressure. It is, therefore, highly recommended for treating High Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Thyroid, Asthma etc.

Its ‘Instant Energy Boost’ nature helps athletes perform better during their games. In fact, Ujjayi is performed distinctly in many yogasanas because the abdominal engagement, during its practice, puts pressure on the abdominal cavity, which in turn, supports the spine during the practice.

You can check the detailed description of Ujjayi on this link:


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