Locked in a Small Room - Jam #72 - Make Noise XPO into Supercritical Neutron Flux Filter [Modular]

Описание к видео Locked in a Small Room - Jam #72 - Make Noise XPO into Supercritical Neutron Flux Filter [Modular]

Playing around with running the vari-timbre output of the make noise XPO into the supercritical neutron flux filter. Basically, i was trying to create some spicy stereo bass sounds and ended up here. Realised shortly after that the two modules i'm focussing on are barely visible. I'm great at this.

The jam actually started with the beats. I'm using the sequencer built into Temps to drive the kick and snare. 2 sequencers trigger each independently. Each sequencer contains 4 sequences. There are then two time-synced, random stepped LFO's from O&C which determine which sequences play. It seemed a good way to keep things varied but still playing a regular enough pattern that it isn't completely random. A fast random trigger then runs into a brancher in O&C which triggers a closed hat sound 80% of the time and a random noise the other 20%. The random noise is selected by a slow LFO from Ochd cycling through one of my own sample libraries. Finally to add some breaks, a gate from the doepfer clock divider runs into the doepfer sequential switch. The gate then opens a VCA containing a low voltage from Maths. This drops the clock division of the sequencers controlling the kick and snare and also occasionally the other two drum sounds when i manually change the modulation source. Using the sequential switch means the breaks don't occur too often. For most of the jam it triggers every four cycles. Later, i drop it to 2.

The XPO is running into the VCA before hitting the Supercritical Filter. A rapid envelope from the Erica Quad AD then runs into the Instruo Tain switch. Another gate from the Doepfer divider switches between the Envelope and an empty input where the reference trimmer is set to around 6V. The idea here being it will jump between stabby bass notes and then fully open grinding sounds when fed into the VCA. Two LFO's from Ochd control the L and R panning of the XPO. Two divided gates from the Doepfer divider trigger envelopes from Maths. One spikes the cut off of the filter, whereas another sweeps from low pass to high pass mode. There's also a very slow LFO from Ochd cycling through the filter modes. Adding in some of the filthier modes here and there.

I have Plaits running into a VCA with a slow-ish LFO bringing it in and out. It first hits the FX Aid XL for delay and then Monsoon which is set to granular mode. An LFO from Ochd moves the position around whereas ANOTHER gate from the clock divider activates the freeze.

Added some reverb in Logic on the melodic bits and some compression on the beats.


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