The Muslim nation inherited Prophethood after the Prophet

Описание к видео The Muslim nation inherited Prophethood after the Prophet

The Originator of the Creation 78

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"ثم أورثنا الكتاب
الدين اصطفينا من عبادنا"
God says: "Then We caused to inherit the Book
those We have chosen of Our servants…"
بعد النبي
من ورث الكتاب عن النبي؟
Who inherited the Book after Prophet Muhammad?
The Arab nation.
الأمة العربية
شرفها بمقام النبوة بعد النبوة.
In fact, God honored it to have the stature
of Prophethood and carry its burden
حملها أعباء النبوة
لكن بلا اسم النبوة.
after Prophet Muhammad without attributing
the name of Prophethood. Prophet Muhammad says:
فقال: ”لو كان بعدي نبي لكان عمر.”
"If there had been a Prophet after me,
he would have been Omar."
ومن أوتي القرآن
يعني علما وتلاوة وعملا ظاهرا
Whoever is knowledgeable about the Quran,
recites and acts upon it inwardly and outwardly,
وباطنا فكأنما أجريت النبوة
بين جنبيه لأن النبوة هي وحي القرآن
it is as if he secured the knowledge
of Prophethood within his ribs (bosom).
العلم بالقرآن والعمل به وتعليمه.
فإذا أنت حفظت القرآن
علما وعملا وتعليما وتبليغا
Because Prophethood is the revelation of the Quran, knowing it, acting upon it and teaching it.
من أوتي القرآن وحفظه
فكأنما أجريت النبوة
بين جنبيه.
صار كأنه قرآن والنبوة كروح فيه
So whoever does that, it is as if
he were the Quran, and Prophethood
إلا أنه لا يوحى إليه
لأن الوحي نزل بالقرآن
were a spirit flowing in him
but God doesn't send revelation to him.
والقرآن بين جنبيك.
شوا بدوا يوحي لك
بقرآن ثاني لما قرآن ثالث؟
Because what would Allah send to him?
A second or a third Quran?
القرآن واحد.
وتشريع ما عاد في.
The Quran is one and there
won't be new legislations. God says:
"اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم"
الدين هو التشريع الإلهي
"Today I have perfected your religion for you…"
Religion is the Divine legislation
لكمال الإنسانية.
فلما العرب
for the perfection of humanity.
طبقوه وعلموه
كانوا خير أمة علما وعقلا
When the Arabs implemented it, acted upon it and taught it, they became the best nation in knowledge,
وإنسانية واشتراكية.
ما كانوا اشتراكية
reasoning, humanism and socialism.
فوق الاشتراكية إيثارا.
كان ما يتقاسمون الرغيف نصفين.
In fact, they superseded socialism in their altruism.
They didn't even split the loaf into two halves
كان يقدم الرغيف لأخيه
وهو ينام بلا عشاء
but one would offer the loaf to his brother as an
act of altruism while he would sleep without dinner.
يكون جريح تتوقف حياته
على كأس الماء
If someone is injured and needed a glass of water
to survive, he wouldn't give half of the glass
ما يقسم الكأس نصفين.
يآثره يموت هو حتى يحيا أخوه.
to his brother, but he would prefer
to die so that his brother would live.
خير أمة ليش لأنهم أوتوا القرآن
وتلوا القرآن التلاوة الحقة.
Why were the Arabs the best nation? Because they were given the Quran and recited it as it should be recited.
"ثم أورثنا الكتاب
الدين اصطفينا من عبادنا"
The verse reads: "Then We caused to inherit
the Book those We have chosen of Our servants…"
فاصطفانا الله كعرب وأمة عربية
واختارنا من بين كل خلقه
ليحملنا ما حمله لنبيه
God has selected the Arab nation from among
all His creation to bear what His Prophet bore.
سيدنا محمد.
قال أنتم تقومون وتتلون القرآن.
”يتلون كتاب الله وأقاموا الصلاة"
God says: "Indeed, those who recite
the Book of Allah and establish prayer…"
بده يكون القرآن سلوككم
وأخلاقكم وأعمالكم
حكمته نورانيته روحانيته.
Let the Quran be in your behavior, morals and
actions through its wisdom, light and spirituality.
قال فوجهنا هذه المسؤولية
على الأمة العربية.
So Allah made the Arab nation in charge of Prophethood. What was the result?
قال شوا كانت النتيجة؟
نحنا وظفناهم وأعطيناهم الصلاحية.
Allah employed them and gave them that authority.
It is similar to giving farms to people.
أعطيناهم هالمزارع.
ففي واحد مزرعته
كانت لما استلمها تعطي
The first one was given a farm that produces
100 thousand and he made it give 10 million.
انتاج مئة ألف.
صار بعد ما استلمها تعطي 10 ملايين.
A second one was given a farm that
Produces 100 thousand and still produces
واحد كانت
تعطيه مئة ألف
the same amount without any increase.
صفيت على مئة ألف.
يعني تطالع كفايتها.
A third one was given a farm that produces
100 thousand but he neglected it
واحد يبس
نصف شجرها
والنصف الثاني
so half of its trees died of drought
and the second half are about to die.
بين الأخضر وبين اليابس.
This is an example of the responsibility
we are all shouldering in this life.


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