One Life to Live 11/30/1990

Описание к видео One Life to Live 11/30/1990

After the revelation that Niki could walk, Viki tries to stand and walk on her own. Megan finds her and offers to help, but Viki says she needs to stop being babied. Later, Viki continues to harp on why Niki can walk and she can’t. She thinks she needs to try again to bring out Niki, but Megan says absolutely not. Clint overhears the end of their conversation and is surprised to learn Megan has ever met Niki. Viki tries not to come clean, but Megan tells him that they went to see a psychiatrist and that Niki emerged under hypnosis. Viki tells Clint that Niki was able to walk, which furthers her theory that Niki could have shot Johnny. Clint is upset and asks to speak to his wife alone. Gabrielle invites Tina out to lunch. Tina admits she’s given some thought to moving out of Llanfair. Gabrielle suggests she leave town, but Tina thinks she should stay close by, for CJ’s sake. Tina leave to meet with Renee and Carlo approaches Gabrielle’s table. He says he’s heard she performed some services for his late son. Gabrielle claims ignorance, so Carlo clarifies: she told Johnny she would help establish his paternity of Tina’s baby. Bo tries to prepare Alex for her interview with Asa but roleplaying as a chauvinist jerk. Miles and Yusef rib Kerry when he runs off to meet with Rika. Tina tells Renee that she has to move out of Llanfair because she’s carrying Carlo Hesser’s grandchild and can’t be responsible for bringing Carlo into the Buchanans’ home. Renee questions whether Tina is ready to set out on her own. Renee offers to lend her a few months’ rent to help her get started, but Asa comes in and says Renee had better not give a dime of “his” money to Tina. Renee hands over the check anyways, hurrying Tina out the door before Asa can do anything.

Alex interviews for a job on Asa’s legal team. He is impressed by her gumption and offers her the job on the spot. Kerry drops by Rika’s apartment but she has other plans. Sheila suggests Kerry stay away from her sister. Carlo asks Gabrielle if she killed his son. She denies it and repeats what she told the police: that she was in Tina’s room many times that week and has no doubt her fingerprints were all over the room. Carlo paints a picture very close to the truth: Gabrielle stumbling upon the bloody scene, taking the tape, calling the police and leaving. She denies having the tape, but Carlo doesn’t believe her. Carlo demands she hand it over and threatens her with the videotape of her and Tony. Alex tells Bo the good news about hernew job with Buchanan Enterprises. Megan speaks to the head writer and asks to be written out of Fraternity Row for awhile. She also says she won’t be doing the movie. Megan says she plans to move into Llanfair so she can help take care of her mother. Viki overhears her and convinces Megan to do the movie after all, promising that she is taking charge of her own recovery and vowing not to let Niki come out again.


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