Desperate | Worship Set | 1.9.24

Описание к видео Desperate | Worship Set | 1.9.24

prod. Josh Lee

Hi family !! Long time no see :'''( Sorry I've been so MIA, this holiday season has been ridiculously busy with retreats and church events that I am finally just starting to have some down time. But I missed this place of worship so dearly :'( I hope everyone had an amazing and safe holiday season filled with love, joy, family, friends, and JESUS! I had the honor of being able to record a duo set with my studiomate & friend Josh Lee ◡̈ Please see his devo below, and I hope this blesses you as you spend time in His presence


Psalms 63:1
"You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water."

Hey everyone! thank you for taking the time to come and rest in His presence with us.

While in prayer/preparation for this set I’ve been seriously thinking about where my walk with God is. He’s been deconstructing my life and it has been a long and slow pruning process. But as of right now I may not have all the words to explain what God is taking me through but, one thing that I do know is that my greatest desire is to worship, adore, and be in constant relationship with Him. Jesus has been so evident in my life and with everything else that my heart may long for, God has been bringing me to a realization that out of all the things that life can give, He will always be the sweetest of all. My heart has always longed for Jesus but through the mundane I’ve taken God’s love for granted, and now I’m lovesick. Ive come to miss the intimacy that I once had with Jesus and now I’ve come to a point where I’m desperate to have it back. While reading Psalms 62-63 I knew that He was listening and loving me all the same. I am nothing, and the praise that I give is nothing if it wasn’t for God and His son. So I will give it all to Him and even when my all amounts to nothing even then will I stand to worship Him because he is all that I have, want, and need.

I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and grace upon this set. More than a feeling, more than a moment in worship, just being in His presence helped me understand that the act of being desperate comes from a place of once having the thing that one has been deprived of. I’ve seen and known that Jesus is working and pursuing me every day and while being in a state of longing for Him I’ve neglected the fact that Jesus has never left me. It was I who left, and it was all my doing that put me in a place where I am empty. Jesus you are so good and I will continue to pray the prayer of longing after you more and more while each passing day comes by. Thank you for being here to experience how God is moving and I pray that He’ll use this set, and Deb to touch the hearts that have seemed to deviate away from His unending love. Thank you Jesus.

Thank you for tuning in to Debs channel. She is genuinely doing something that is so amazing for the kingdom and it’s reaching people who need to hear the Good works of the Father. I mean. It reached you didn’t it?

You're Worthy of My Praise - Jeremy Camp
The Wick - Housefires
Lovesick - Housefires
As the Deer - Martin Nystrom


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