One Life to Live 5/23/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 5/23/1991

Renee and Tina go to Andy’s Place, but they notice Andy isn’t wearing the locket. Renee tells Andy she was so touched to see the locket with her mother’s photo and hair and Tina says she’d love to see it as well. Andy says she can go get it, but she is delayed when Hunter shows up with a gift for her. He can’t understand her suddenly icy demeanor towards him. Cassie invites Dorian to stay for dinner, but Dorian and Bo trade barbs, and Dorian accuses Bo of trying to turn her daughter against her. The argument devolves into one between Dorian and Cassie. Viki meets with her department heads and tells them they’re gonna have to take a 10% pay cut for about the next 6 months. It doesn’t go over great, but the staff agrees to think about it. After meeting, Izzy agrees to take the pay cut, as does Cord, but the others say they can’t afford it and will have to look for other work. After Cord and Izzy give a pep talk, the others agree to stay on. After Dorian leaves in a huff, Bo and Cassie settle in for a nice dinner.

[Approximately 1 minute missing]

Alex laments to Viki that she may never get to have kids. Bo beats Cassie in chess and then they toast to their evening together. In the street below, Alex stares up at their silhouettes in the window and vows to make Bo love her.


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