One Life to Live 2/15/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 2/15/1991

[First 4 minutes have been pre-empted]

Niki tries to dance with Hunter, but Clint interrupts. He tries to get her to leave the reception so they can talk, but Niki seems intent on causing a scene. Asa recognizes immediately that Niki appears to be in charge. Meanwhile, newer Llanviewians like Rika and Kerry don’t know what to make of the mayor’s sudden personality change. Troy asks Sheila if it could be related to her stroke. Jake and Max wonder whether Viki could be pretending to be Niki for some reason. Jake goes to investigate and Niki asks him to dance. Over the protests of Megan and Tina, Jake agrees to dance with Niki. Gabrielle leaves the reception and Max follows close behind. Tina decides to end the reception early so her sister won’t make any more spectacle of herself, but Niki refuses to leave. Jake offers to take her home by way of a few bars, but Megan objects. Gabrielle asks Carlo for how long Viki will be Niki Smith. He asks if she’s certain that Viki really has become Niki again, and Gabrielle says there is no doubt, particularly given how rude Niki is being to Megan. Carlo says he knows what he’s doing. Gabrielle prepares to head home, but Carlo says she can’t leave until he says so, especially since her paid her $10,000 in cash. Larry offers to administer a sedative to Niki, but Niki refuses. Clint tries to drag her to the car Megan tells Jake she will never forgive him for having fun at her mother’s expense. At Llanfair, Cord tries to get the Joey and Jessica to go upstairs before Clint and Niki arrive, but he is unsuccessful. Niki is noticeably more reserved and quiet in front of the children, but she is not warm and does not acknowledge them. Joey can tell something is wrong, and Kevin says it’s because she isn’t their mother. As Lisa asks Kevin what is going on, Cord finally gets Joey and Jessica upstairs.

Back at her flat, Megan blames herself for bringing Niki out, since she took her to the hypnotist. Hunter reminds her that Larry says she isn’t to blame. Megan thinks she could get through to Viki, but Hunter suggests she follow the doctor’s advice and not try to confront Niki at this stage. Jake shows up at Llanfair and asks to have 5 minutes alone with Niki. Clint says he is not taking her nightclubbing. Once everyone besides her, Clint, and Jake have left, Niki closes the library doors and explains she is not, in fact, Niki Smith. Clint doesn’t believe her at first. She apologizes for the cruelty and embarrassment she’s brought on, but she says she had no choice–she had to pretend to be Niki. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Kevin and Cord try to explain Viki’s multiple personality disorder to Jessica. Gabrielle tells Carlo she and he are finished, but Carlo says their plans have hardly begun. Clint is incensed. He says its was extremely dangerous and irresponsible to get into a limo with Carlo, but Viki says she had no choice, because she needed to know what Carlo wanted with Niki. Clint says he’s glad it’s over at least, but Viki says it’s not: she has to keep pretending to be Niki Smith. She says Megan could be in danger, and she’s got Jake and Bo in her corner. Clint says he doesn’t want to put the children through this, but when Viki begs him to help, he agrees to go along with the plan.


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