One Life to Live 6/30/1989

Описание к видео One Life to Live 6/30/1989

As the Daisy Awards continue, the Best Show nominees are announced and Fraternity Row takes the top prize. Bo accepts the award and thanks Asa for saving the show and Max for taking over in his absence. Backstage, Spring spots Austin and screams loudly, but it isn’t enough to stop Robin Leach’s closing speech. Austin tries to sneak out a side door but Sarah spots him and drags Viki along in pursuit. Brenda’s doctor asks to speak to her, so Dan escorts her to the hospital. After her meeting with the doctor, Brenda is visibly upset and snaps at a nurse. While the nurse goes to find Larry, Brenda confides that the doctor told her she can’t have any more kids. The Fraternity Row cast celebrates their awards haul at Heavenly Hash. Asa gives a speech thanking everyone. Renee assures Bo he shouldn’t read into Sarah’s absence from the party. Max tells Megan she needs to part ways with Marco. Mari Lynn notices Jack has a fever and offers to drive him home and nurse him back to health. Spring crashes the party claiming she wants to congratulate her and Bo. Megan gets her revenge by pretending to pose for publicity photos with Spring before shoving a pie in her face. Back at Llanfair Sarah tells Viki she’s certain she saw Austin at the ballroom. Viki suggests she talk to stagehands and staff at the hotel to see if anyone else spotted him. Sarah wonders if the the patient who sent her a note during the awards could have actually been Austin, and a quick phone call confirms the patient in question is actually in California and could not have possibly sent the note.

Viki offers to explain to Bo what’s been going on with Sarah. After Viki leaves, Dr. Frangione’s office calls to reschedule Sarah’s appointment, saying the doctor is going out of town in the morning. Sarah asks if she could see him now instead, and heads over to his office. As soon as she leaves, Austin enters Llanfair from the back door; he reads the note Sarah left for Viki and takes off for Dr. Frangione’s office himself. Viki tells Bo about Sarah’s pregnancy and that she’s planning to abort the pregnancy. She gets a call from her butler telling her about Sarah’s change of plans, and Bo rushes off to meet Sarah at the doctor’s office. Dan tells Larry about Brenda’s test results. Larry comforts Brenda and says he still wants to marry her. Mari Lynn gives Jack chicken soup, and he feels like he’s on the mend already. He tries to convince her to stay in town and not follow Wade to California, saying Wade doesn’t deserve her. As Sarah is about to enter the doctor’s office, Austin grabs her from behind and restrains her.


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