Описание к видео ARM PUMP

#arm pump

And something came to me the other day that I never really thought about. You know, and it's about arm pump, you know? So we know what causes arm pump.

Maybe faulty technique, ill handling motorcycle, maybe, you know, lifting too many weights, maybe riding over your head a little bit. All these things. And we've had all these ways of trying to fix it. But let's take this pill. Let's put this spray, let's wrap our arms, let's put this device on it with the screw in it, you know, let's get surgery.

Let's cut our hands, cut our body open. But you still get it. And it's still not really fixing the the issue because if you always had to keep doing that, well, then the problem isn't fixed. You just put in a Band-Aid on it and all Band-Aids fall off. So my thought popped process is where does this come from?

There's an ingredient to everything. There's a first step to everything. And I feel it's right here. And what is that the you reacting instead of having initiation? So reactions from the past. So if I'm reacting to the bike and you didn't know it might be so slight, might be so fine for, you know, you know, fine tune, whatever, that you don't even really see it when you're watching somebody.

But when you're riding, you feel it. There's so many times that have come off the track and just been like, Damn, dude, why couldn't you just relax? You know, all the preparation was right. The bike was set up, right? You wanted to win. You had this, you had that, but you just rode so tight because I was riding from reaction reaction of maybe the fear of failure, the what if, the what could, the what might.

And if that's happening, my body is going to be just a little bit behind what's happening right now because the physical forms on the bike, but the mentally form is somewhere else off the bike. So you're always going to be behind what's happening you're always going to be kind of almost in a hope because things are happening fast, but your focus is somewhere else.

Now, those days that I just came off the track and everybody's had these days in races, they're just like, Whoa, how do I do this again? Right. And that was from initiation. Initiation from the future, meaning I'm putting my body where I want it to be. I'm my body's in a slow it's in, you know, a movement pattern.

So if the bike does does something I'm not expected for, my body's already moving with it. My body's already transitioning with it. My body's already initiated, initiating the next section movement, whatever it is. So then the bike catch up catches up. But if I'm in reaction, the bike is going to move just a subtle bit before my body catches up to it or pushes away from it.

So that's what I've kind of come to that everything has a first ingredient. And you can't say I got arm pump and it's that or I fix it this way, but where's it starting from? And I feel it starting from here. From being in that box of what if, what could fear failure? And that's going to cause you to just be just a little bit behind the bike and that's going to be causing you to react to it.

And anytime that you react to something, you're probably going to stiff up a little bit, tighten up a little bit. But any time that you're very confident you trust, there's not a bunch of expectation that I have to be this guy to do this. This can't happen you know, you're going to be an initiation. Initiation is always moving before, right?

You're always moving before something. You're always, you know, focusing on before the next thing happens, so to speak, because that that's that's kind of the future. So think about this. Go back to some of your races. Sometimes you ride and see because if you had armed punk all the time, like I said, you would be able to maybe pinpoint what it is.

But not everybody has arm pump all the time is certain situations, certain conditions, certain races. And so what is the difference? The bike different? No, you're training different. No, there's not much different except what this is doing because this is controlling the body. So this is locked up. This is locked up. And then these things get locked up and then you're just you know, in a world of hurt.

So look at that a little bit and see if that makes sense. Because again, I've got an arm pump many times in my life and I've tried it. Oh, is this it's that? Maybe it's that. Well, yeah, but I never really focused on where my mindset was. Was I reacting to everything just so to leave and know that maybe I was top three or was everything is more of an initiation, more of a feel because I wasn't focused on what I thought it should be in what I thought it shouldn't be.

Right. It just is. So maybe that helps. And again, after 39 years, I've done something different. You never stop learning, I guess, right? So if I never stop learning, then I guess you guys will never stop learning because I'm going to never stop sharing. So peace.


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