पाक न करता मऊसूत पण खुसखुशीत तिळगुळ वडी | Tilgul Vadi Recipe Madhura

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संक्रांत विशेष तिळगुळाची वडी करण्यासाठी लागणारे साहित्य
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01:15-Roasting sesame seeds
02:12-Roasting peanuts and dry coconut
04:12-Roasting the mixture
06:16-Setting the mixture
07:17-Cutting vadi

Let’s see how to make Sankrant special tilgul vadi today. This is a very easy and simple recipe. The vadi turns out nice, soft and crispy and remains so util you finish it!! Isn’t it amazing?? I will give many tips and tricks in this video. The main thing is you don’t have to make gudh syrup!! Feeling relieved? I know, the most difficult thing is making perfect consistency syrup. It looks nice, gits perfect color and texture. It tastes simply delicious. You can try this recipe at home and write to me. Do not forget to like, share and subscribe.

• 1 cup / 130 gm white Sesame seeds
• 1/2 cup / 75 gm Peanuts
• 1 1/4 cup / 163 gm Jaggery
• 1 tsp Ghee
• 1 tbsp Water
• 1/4 tsp Cardamom powder
• A pinch of Nutmeg powder
• 1 tsp Ghee

• Heat up a pan on medium heat and add sesame seeds.
• Roast sesame seeds well until they get nice golden color and take them out into a dish.
• In the same pan roast peanuts until they are almost roasted and add dry coconut and roast it well
together until dry coconut gets nice golden color.
• Turn the gas off and take the mixture out into a dish. Let it cool down a little.
• You can peel the peanuts if you want.
• Blend jaggery roasted coconut and peanuts and sesame seeds into coarse mixture in mixer.
• Keep few sesame seeds for garnishing.
• Heat up ghee in a pan and add the blended mixture.
• Add few of the leftover sesame seeds and roast it well together on low heat for 5 minutes until the
jaggery begins to melt.
• Add water and roast it well together until the mixture comes together like dough for about 3-4
• Add cardamom powder and nutmeg powder and mix well.
• Grease a deep dish well with ghee and transfer the mixture into it.
• Spread it evenly and spread sesame seeds and dry coconut.
• Press them a little so that they won’t come off.
• Let it cool down completely.
• Cut it into pieces. Tilgul vadi is ready.
• You can make medium size 16-18 vadya from the ingredients used.

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