Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 79

Описание к видео Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 79

I need to say this now because I know a LOT of people don't watch the show live and rely on videos and I'm STILL getting messages from people hoping Luke and Reid will get the ending they wish for etc which tells me that not everyone knows how Reid's story wraps up. What I intend to do is offer an option. From here on out the story gets kinda rough and for HUGE fans of Reid it's tough. It sounds RIDICULOUS but you only have to look at the media and the fanbase and the reaction to see how LOVED he is and how much the ending of the show has affected people... I am not going to spoil things now but here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to upload up until MY ending for Reid. MY chosen ending where I believe his story ended and should have ended ... I am also going to upload after that (as touch as that may be) and show the rest of what unfolded on screen. You have a choice to choose which you follow but I sincerely warn you now to accept that the ending is tough. Saying no more at the moment, it's all still in the middle of the drama and there's way more awesomeness to come so channel your inner Reid cheerleader and watch with a smile... : )

Now to the episode...

JOHN DIXON. For those who don't know who John is, I suggest you do a little research but safe to say he's got a LONG history on the show and everyone has been so excited that there would be a probable Reid and John scene. John was kind of the first doctor to really shake up Memorial and people have really compared him to Reid in a way so it's AMAZING he's come back!!!! Also, I have this thing about John's hair. I swear his hair made the last few weeks of the show that LITTLE bit more bearable because it's so damn funny. He needs Van's hairdresser STAT! ;)

AT LONG LAST THANK THE LORD ABOVE... Chris Hughes eventually comes out of douchebag land and tells the truth.... oh but wait... it's not because he chose to it's because he was caught. Of course....

I have NO problems with Daniel Cosgrove as an actor, just Chris, (wanted to clear that up!) but have to say how well done the Chris and Katie scene was. It's one of their best scenes and it's totally believable.

LOVE how Reid's 'polite' and Dixon is snarky back!!! Oh Kim it's a scene that we've been waiting for!!!!!!! :D :D

Eric does this entire scene perfectly. He's alongside American Soap Legends and he's a natural! He's awkward, funny, his timing's perfect and I swear he channels Reid so specifically that it comes so naturally. Eric's acting is so REAL. That's something I truly admire about his talent... and I think it's part of the reason people have taken to him so MUCH. You feel like he's a real person, you care and you're right there with him in everything...

It's heartbreaking to watch Katie in scenes like this. I was so angry that they did this. She deserves an ending ENTIRELY of happiness and laughter and without ANY of this. I know she's the sweetheart of ATWT and they want to wrap up her story well, which is obvious, but I think they could have done it in SUCH a better way.

WE SEE MORE REID BERATING THE INTERNS! Old Reid. Thank god he's still there. I swear Reid is SO likeable, so adorable, so cared about and so BRILLIANT in these episodes. It's all a MASSIVE deal for him. It's in his eyes how much it's effecting him. It's inherent in Eric's acting and I can't give him enough credit for how he draws the watcher in....


OK. The end scene. I sobbed. It's parallel to their early scene ('Is this a hug?' 'Absolutely not') and I don't give the writers much credit but whoever wrote the line about not having to ask twice THEN has Reid unable to leave, truly made that scene precious. His little tentative pat on the shoulder and comforting voice... it killed me. Katie is so fragile and so damaged by her past and Reid's all about fixing things. I adore their little friendship and always have (I've raved so much about it in the past!) so to see them both hurting and confused and ABLE to shout and fight and be like THAT... it's not only painful to watch but it's so raw and truthful too.

I know I'm going all serious on things now but, for me, I adore Reid and his story and the character that I think the fans know better than the writers. Eric has portrayed an icon (to me anyway) and I don't care if that sounds ridiculous ... I can't help but do what I've always done and that's pay tribute to his sheer AWESOMENESS for bringing Reid to life. I watch every moment in isolation and feel like I've spent the past 8 months with him that I can't help but get carried away!

I'm sure you are all well aware of what I mean anyway!

Continued in Part 80 ... yes, Part EIGHTY!


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