白咖喱香茅豬扒飯 - 納粹女權 White Curry Pork Chop with Rice - Feminazis

Описание к видео 白咖喱香茅豬扒飯 - 納粹女權 White Curry Pork Chop with Rice - Feminazis


A Hong Kong students' favourite, and the wrong kind of feminism will be the subject of the day.

二人份量 For two people
豬扒兩塊 - 2 pieces of boneless pork chops
香茅三條 - 3 stalks of lemongrass
南薑 (拇指大小) - a thumb size pieces of galangal
椰奶170毫升 - 170ml of coconut milk
青檸葉三片 - 3 lime leaves
洋蔥1/4個 - 1/4 onion
蔥一條 - 1 stalk of green onion
紅蔥頭一個 - 1 shallot
雞湯300毫升 - 300ml of chicken stock
水200毫升 - 200ml of water
咖喱粉2湯匙 - 2tbsp of curry powder
生抽兩茶匙 - 2tsp of light soy sauce
老抽半茶匙 - half a tsp of dark soy sauce
麻油半茶匙 - half a tsp of sesame oil
喼汁半茶匙 - half a tsp of worcestershire sauce
糖一茶匙 - 1tsp of sugar
粟粉一茶匙 - 1tsp of cornstarch
生粉水一茶匙 - 1tsp of cornstarch solution


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