Adaptable Workouts: How to Write Programs You STICK To

Описание к видео Adaptable Workouts: How to Write Programs You STICK To

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This video explores the best ways to program your training to make it adaptable. With resilient, adaptable workouts, you can train under any circumstances: with less equipment, less time, when you're tired, or when you're lacking motivation.

Because that's life. Fitness and training shouldn't take priority over our other commitments. We should train to live and not live to train!

With that in mind, you could consider this to be an ode to the "half-arsed" workout.

Things get very black on YouTube, sometimes. Many channels tell you that you should be 100% focussed during every workout, that you shouldn't have distractions, and that you should put in your top effort.

I disagree. It's great to do that sometimes. But training like your life depended on it, every time, might actually break you down more than it builds you up. If your main goal is fitness and health and you're not a pro athlete, there's no shame in dealing it back and just having fun.

Moreover, if you always feel that you need to train like a maniac, you're less likely to train at all on the days when you do feel a little tireder. You'll view lesser workouts as pointless.

Ultimately, this is only damaging.

In this video, I'll explain how to make scalable workouts that you can adjust to suit your current mood and situation. And I'll share some tips for making adaptable workout that are fun AND quick.

Let me know your thoughts below!


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