Lackawanna Cut-Off - Part 21A: The "Missing" 21 Miles - Andover to Greendell

Описание к видео Lackawanna Cut-Off - Part 21A: The "Missing" 21 Miles - Andover to Greendell

Join us as we embark on a six-part mini-series under Part 21 (Parts A-F) where we journey across the 21 "missing" miles of the Lackawanna Cut-Off west of Andover, New Jersey. In each part, we will explore a different section of the 21 miles, going east to west. In Part A, we'll start with the Andover to Greendell section, which includes a trip across the famed Pequest Fill. In the past, Chuck and his videographer/daughter Larissa have driven over, walked over, and even flown over the Cut-Off . This time, Chuck takes to his bicycle to tour the part of the Cut-Off that is the subject of the ongoing engineering study for the complete reactivation of the Cut-Off.


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