#51 在家製作的完美脆皮泡芙 (雙餡食譜) Perfect Crispy Puffs to Make at Home (Double Filling Recipe)【黃子橙Zicheng】

Описание к видео #51 在家製作的完美脆皮泡芙 (雙餡食譜) Perfect Crispy Puffs to Make at Home (Double Filling Recipe)【黃子橙Zicheng】

食譜 recipe
【奶酥皮】 【souffle dough】
室溫軟化奶油50g Softened butter at room temperature 50g
糖50g Sugar 50g
中筋麵粉40g All purpose flour 40g
杏仁粉30g Almond Flour 30g

【泡芙】 【puffs】
中筋麵粉60g All purpose flour 60g
牛奶100g Milk 100g
糖2g Sugar 2g
鹽1g Salt 1g
室溫雞蛋2顆 2 eggs at room temperature

【雙餡】【double stuffing】
Custard 200g + whipped cream 40g + powdered sugar 5g

Chocolate custard200g + whipped cream 40g + powdered sugar 5g

黃子橙臉書fb: https://reurl.cc/O1KdNg


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