Megan Gray, (ex-) Vice-President of DuckDuckGo on competition policy in online search engine markets

Описание к видео Megan Gray, (ex-) Vice-President of DuckDuckGo on competition policy in online search engine markets

Megan Gray, former General Counsel & Vice-President of Public Policy at DuckDuckGo, senior attorney at a Top 100 law firm, senior counsel to the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection – and currently a Founder and CEO of GrayMatters Law & Policy, Non-Residential Fellow at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School.

In this conversation Megan Gray @megangrA presents to Oles Andriychuk @oandriychuk1 her views on the functioning of competition in online search engine markets, and on the ways of its possible improvement.

The Digital Markets Research Hub is an independent academic project aiming at analysing the evolution of competition in digital markets. We host one-to-one interviews with the leading thinkers, policymakers, regulators and practitioners. We also organise online mini-workshops inviting the experts in various fields of digital competition law & policy to discuss the most vibrant issues of the ongoing regulatory reforms in digital markets. All materials are available at our YouTube channel; all announcements are made via the DMRH director's twitter account @oandriychuk1

00:00 Introduction
00:43 The importance of search engines markets
05:10 Is there anything/anybody which can challenge the monopoly of online search engine markets?
09:10 Ecosystem competition
14:50 How big proportion of users could switch basing on ethical, non-economic, environmental and non-economic grounds?
17:20 Access to meaningful data
23:20 What should be done if a gatekeeper acts in a way which is privacy enhancing but competition harming?
28:00 Should we also look at how these matters are dealt with at the East?
30:30 The potential of behavioural remedies and more interventionist policies.
37:05 Do potential newcomers already exist – or they are yet at the start-up/nascent stage?
41:30 Recommendations to young students on how to advance their future career in the most successful way.


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