Jednostavna i divna torta od palačinki- Palačinke uvijek prolaze, a kada još dođe fina krema, mm...

Описание к видео Jednostavna i divna torta od palačinki- Palačinke uvijek prolaze, a kada još dođe fina krema, mm...

Tortu od palačinki napravite za čas! Netko peče palačinke, a netko se zabavi slaganjem torte. Ako i sami radite, brzo ide, nemate brige! Pogledajte recept i javite utiske kada napravite!

Jednostavna torta od palačinki - valovi
3 dl mekog brašna
1 žlica kakaoa
6 dl mlijeka
2 jaja
malo soli
malo šećera ( sve po pola male žličice )
po potrebi malo vode
0,5 dl uja
Za kremu:
1 l vrhnja za šlag
500 g marcaponea
3-4 žlice šećera
1 vanil šećer
po želji otopljena bijela čokolada ( oko 200 g) ili u pola dodati nekog coulis ili želea od voća, žele napravite da usitnite marmeladu na pr. ( coulis kuhate voće sa šećerom pa kad malo ukuha, malo ohladite i procijedite)
Za palačinke:
Pomiješajte suhe sastojke, dodajte pola brašna pa promiješajte da nema grudica, dodajte jaja pa umiješajte. Zatim dodajte ulje i preostalo mlijeko. Pecite na tavi tanke palačinke.
Kada se malo ohlade odrežie rub uz pomoć tanjura ili sl.
Za kremu umutite vrhnje u čvrsti šlag sa šećerom i učvrstivačem po potrebi. Dodajte mascarpone kremu na dva, tri puta. Izjednačite. Dodajte ako još nešto želite, varijacija je bezbroj.
Slažete tako da stavite palačinku, kremu stavite u vrećicu sa okruglim otvorom pa pravite krug oko ruba, zatim malo dalje da ostane prazno u širini kreme, u sredini točka ili krug. Stavite drugu palačinku, od sredine malo pritisnete da propadne u utore. Zatim u te utore tiskate kremu. Stavite slijedeću palačinku pa tako do visine koja vam se sviđa ili dok imate kreme. Ukrasiti možete ovako, kao na videu, možete ravno pa samo posuti ribanom čokoladom, ili ukrasiti voćem ili po želji.

Crepe Cake – Waves
3dl allpurpose flour
1 spoon Cacao
6dl milk
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon of salt and sugar each
0,5dl oil
If necessary a bit of water

For the filling:
1l of whipping cream
500g mascarpone
3-4 spoons of sugar
1 package of vanilla sugar
After your own taste, you can mix in melted white chocolate or separate half of the cream and add a fruit coulis
cook fruits with sugar until the fruits soften, cool it down a bit, then drain the fruits. You can also keep it
simpler and use a jam, just make sure to put in small drops and inly mix in lightly manually.
For the Crepes, mix the dry ingredients in one bowl. Mix the eggs in another bowl a bit before adding the milk,
add slowly the dry ingredients, mix well to avoid any lumps. Once you have an even mix add the oil and water if
the mix is too thick. Fry the creps (thin) in a pan and leave them to cool down.
While the creps are cooling down mix the whiped cream, once done add mascarpone in 2-3 times, once you get
an even mix you can add what you wish into it, the possibilities are endless.
Cut the edges of the creps, fill the cream into a plastic bag and cut a round opening in the corner.
Start putting the cream by making a circle around the edge of the crep and continue making circles leaving
even empty spaces between each circle all the way to the centre, make sure that the spaces are as wide as the
filling. Put the second pancake on top and press it into the empty areas you left, thats where the cream is
coming this time, once done put another crep and repeat the same process. Continue until you have reached
the desired hight or you run out of filling.
You can decorate as you saw in the video, or even the top out and sprinkle with chocolate or top it off with
some fruits.

#brzo #easyrecipe #einfacherezepte #jednostavno #crepe #pfannkuchen #pancake #torte #kuchen #fino #mojgastro


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