BlazBlue Centralfiction Hazama Fully Translated

Описание к видео BlazBlue Centralfiction Hazama Fully Translated

Enable the subtitles on the video to see them and READ BELOW FOR A HEATED BLAZBLUE DISCUSSION!!!

Time for ghegh... Hazama... I absolutely despise Hazama, is my most hated character after Nu-13 and Luna but still can't deny that the guy... has style.

Yuuki Terumi's vessel. Now with his threads cutten this puppet lost its pourpose, lost its value. And what does a puppet do when it wants to feel human, they try to feel something, in Hazama's case, pain, inflicted or self-inflicted. And when that is not enough, they search for reactions, inflict emotions they can't feel themselves, until they feel the closest thing to being human. Which they will never will.

I could talk for an hour or so and it wouldn't be enough. I think that Kazuma Kval merged with Terumi and completely dissapeared as an individual inside the entity known as Yuuki Terumi. And Hazama somehow gained some of his memories. Since Terumi tends to leave traces of himself inside his vessels. What I'm trying to say is that Hazama is not Kazuma, just another vessel whom has access to Kazuma's knowledge through Terumi's memories. All of this is just my opinion of course so feel free to share yours.

Lost inside the vast and inimaginable unknows of the Boundary, from where I naively hope he doesn't come back.

Big shout out to every Hazama main out there. You are all awesome, so many cool ways to use such a complex character. A pleasure to get my ass beaten every single time, would do it again.

Songs used: Gluttony Fang, Nightmare Fiction II.


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