Nervous System Pattern: Groupthink Drives Feeling of Biological Safety (Threats Won’t be Tolerated)

Описание к видео Nervous System Pattern: Groupthink Drives Feeling of Biological Safety (Threats Won’t be Tolerated)


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I’ve moved on from Mobility Mastery (self fascia release) in order to focus on teaching Kinetix, my method of root cause discovery for pain and dis-ease that involves partner fascia release as a “diagnostics” (and regeneration) tool. Kinetix is a complete scientific methodology that I teach to friends, partners and professionals alike inside The Kinetix Academy.

My other primary focus will be the launch and growth of a new podcast and Substack community called The Human Freedom Project.


Sometime in 2023 I will return to YouTube with HFP podcast episodes and content created to help you know and understand yourself as a whole organism made of body, soul and spirit. This content will feature the Kinetix methodology, pain science, fascia secrets I’ve learned from 15+ years in private practice, neuroscience and evolving beyond the brain, trauma and the body, and more! I’m excited to go on this new adventure with you.

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Hey it’s Elisha, and welcome back to another exploration of nervous system patterns, otherwise known as our subconscious programming, neural loops or the ways we find safety unconsciously...that is, until we make these patterns conscious and begin to live in freedom.

Today we’re exploring the nervous system pattern of group think. Because this is usually the birthplace of ALL of our nervous system patterns.
We create nervous system patterns in childhood when our own natural and autonomous instincts bump up against whatever status quo environment we’re being raised in.

An easy target here is to think about religious environments or families who don’t allow anything contrary to the religious narrative in their homes. Please understand that I’m not anti-religious. I think there is beauty and truth in all religions. And I also see how the very birthplace of oppressive instincts came from the world’s religions. This is often what started wars that changed the course of history. The conquerors often subjugated their new populace and instituted their chosen religion, while not allowing freedom of assembly or faith - sometimes upon pain of death if you dared to disobey the new laws of the land.

Group think is the contagious nervous system pattern of conformity, in order to feel the biological safety associated with belonging to a group.

Historically, outcasts and heretics have been ridiculed, hung up in town squares to be pelted with rotten food, driven from cities to fend for themselves in the wild or hung to death, beheaded or burnt at the steak. Or more recently - based on the color of your skin or targeted for your faith by another group who feels superior. What were the Nazi’s if not the very worst of humanity represented in a really dark evil groupthink?

As human beings we have written into the fabric of our biology a survival edict that compels us to seek safety among the masses, or risk death.
If you were a German in Nazi Germany that didn’t agree with the rising status quo, did you dare speak out? Most who disagreed with Hitler and his devout followers hid their true feelings, hid Jews in their homes because truth and humanity were literally pushed underground.

We don’t often think about this in our modern world, assuming those days are long past and belong to heathens, barbarians and uncivilized humanity.

I challenge you to look at our modern world and not see that we are enacting these same patterns, even if our tools of ridicule, banishment and ideas about death have changed from burning witches and gassing Jews to canceling each other on social media or hurtling insults from the comfort of your phone.

I bet every single one of our families had some form of group think. I know mine did. And when I confronted my family, it didn’t go over well at all.
The primary sign/symptom of having the groupthink nervous system pattern, is the instinct to adhere strongly to a group narrative (ANY group narrative) that labels ANYONE who threatens that narrative as selfish or insane. The “enemy” could be a single person or another group of people whose own groupthink is diametrically opposed to yours.

For example, the term conspiracy theorist is used to dehumanize people who believe certain things in order to get other people to see them as crazy and banish them to the fringes of society.


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