聽道系列 (二) | 你是容易焦慮的人嗎? 😟 聽道 📖 思考 🤔 成長 🌱 | Do you get anxious easily?【葉晨星博士 Dr. Yap】

Описание к видео 聽道系列 (二) | 你是容易焦慮的人嗎? 😟 聽道 📖 思考 🤔 成長 🌱 | Do you get anxious easily?【葉晨星博士 Dr. Yap】

焦慮是很難戰勝的,雖然有人勸您說不要焦慮😟!! 但是卻沒辦法控制自己的情緒。

讓我們用5分鐘的時間平靜我們的心💖,來聽葉晨星博士分享的如何面對焦慮一點的小貼士📝,希望可以幫助您生活更美好。"你是容易焦慮的人嗎?" 聽道系列 (二)。願神賜福與您🙏。

📖 腓立比書 4:6-7

Anxiety is hard to overcome, even though people might tell you not to worry😟!! But it's often difficult to control your emotions.

Let's take 5 minutes to calm our hearts💖 and listen to Dr. Yap Chen Sing share some tips on dealing with anxiety📝. Hope it helps make your life better. "Do you get anxious easily?" Preaching Series 2. May God bless you🙏.

📖 Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.🕊

Have a question? Post in the comments section of this video! 如有任何疑问,欢迎在留言区留言😉

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