肇慶城區樓價!竟然2600元1平方!一般人月薪有多少?! 餐廳晚餐!消費160元!鵝!牛肉包!街邊美食!牛雜13元吃到飽!夜市美食街!美食旅遊推薦!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 肇慶城區樓價!竟然2600元1平方!一般人月薪有多少?! 餐廳晚餐!消費160元!鵝!牛肉包!街邊美食!牛雜13元吃到飽!夜市美食街!美食旅遊推薦!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#肇慶 #美食 #旅遊

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/9TMgSCdzug1gx...
餐廳消費:牛雜 ¥13.50
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/y6A1JJcRJZDn3...
餐廳消費:九坑草鵝 ¥50,松子魚 ¥48,黑椒牛肉焗餐包 ¥25
肇慶是古代嶺南原住民文化的發祥地之一,具有悠久的人類活動史。距今十四萬年前左右,肇慶地區已有人類活動。 1978年,考古人員於肇慶封開縣垌中岩內發現了一枚人類左上第二前臼齒化石和一枚右上第三臼齒化石,以及人類生活遺跡。經鈾係法測定,發掘出的人齒化石距今約14.8±1.3萬年。這種被命名為「垌中岩人」的人類,經研究屬於晚期智人,其特徵與柳江人相似,體型已接近現代人。並以洞穴為居住地,生活年代處於舊石器時代。
在距今一萬年前左右,這裡已開始出現磨製石器,向新石器時代過渡。 1964年,考古人員於封開黃岩洞發現了人類頭骨化石及各種打製、磨製石器,經測定距今約一萬年左右。洞內發現的打製石器、蚌器、燒骨等顯示了先民以狩獵與漁撈為主要生產方式。
Zhaoqing is one of the birthplaces of the ancient Lingnan aboriginal culture and has a long history of human activities. Human activities were already present in Zhaoqing about 140,000 years ago. In 1978, archaeologists discovered a fossil of the second upper left premolar and a fossil of the third upper right molar, as well as human life remains, in Dongzhongyan, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing. According to uranium series dating, the excavated human tooth fossils are about 148±13,000 years old. This human, named "Dongzhongyan Man", was found to be a late Homo sapiens, with features similar to those of Liujiang Man, and a body shape close to that of modern humans[6]. They lived in caves and lived in the Paleolithic Age.
"Dongzhongyan Man" is the earliest human known in western Guangdong and even in Lingnan. The two excavated human tooth fossils are the earliest human fossils found in Lingnan so far, about 28,000 years earlier than Maba Man, pushing the prehistory of Lingnan back more than 20,000 years.
Later, archaeologists discovered human tooth fossils, stone products and animal tooth fossils in Fengkai Luo sandstone. According to the determination, they are about 22,400±1,600 years old, 48,000±5,000 years old and 79,000±15,000 years old respectively.
About 10,000 years ago, polished stone tools began to appear here, transitioning to the Neolithic Age. In 1964, archaeologists discovered human skull fossils and various chipped and polished stone tools in Fengkai Huangyan Cave, which were determined to be about 10,000 years old. The chipped stone tools, clam tools, and burned bones found in the cave indicate that the ancestors used hunting and fishing as the main production methods.
About 5,000 years ago, the ancestors of Zhaoqing had walked out of the cave, knew how to build houses, and had hoe farming, livestock breeding, weaving, and more advanced pottery (painted pottery) industry. The bronze artifacts unearthed from tombs from the late Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period in the region show traces of the influence of the Shang and Zhou cultures of the Central Plains and the Chu and Yue cultures of the Yangtze River Basin, as well as the distinctive features of Lingnan culture.


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00:00 Intro
00:46 肇慶老城區街頭美食/牛雜店超級多人/13元食到飽
09:55 當地樓價/舊城區舊屋/130方只要33萬8
17:26 當地人超市/物價貴嗎?
22:35 冒雨開車去吃晚餐/肇慶街景
27:10 鯉魚門/讀餐牌時間
30:00 九坑草鵝/松子魚/黑椒牛肉焗餐包
38:48 酒店旁行商場/餐廳最熱鬧
43:55 超市理貨員月薪3000
51:21 當地夜市
54:44 Ending
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