WarioWare: Move It! - Remix 2 - 100+ Points!

Описание к видео WarioWare: Move It! - Remix 2 - 100+ Points!

I think "OUCHOPUSS" is the most I've ever laughed at a WW cutscene. Good job.

I think this game sorta falls off in the second half, with most of my favourite stages being early on, so I really can't say I enjoyed this half as much as the first remix stage. If you want some reasons why, here are some notes:
- Chow Down is still awful. It wants you to chew really fast but since I don't see how you can do it that way on max speed, I find it easier to try to simulate that motion. Very awkward still, I consider it a major threat so winning it was kinda wild.
- Hand model is really annoying on high speeds. It takes a long time to set up and to recover from. I got better at most of them, but if anything I think catching the ball got worse. It just doesn't detect sometimes. I feel this huge sense of relief whenever I inexplicably win. Will need to practice it more but I've already put a lot of work in. At some point it becomes silly.
- Pounce has the same issue. Once again I died to the cat escape one because I didn't get into position in time and ig it picked up some movement. It's hard to have the right setup nearby to have enough room to move around without hitting things but to also have somewhere to quickly place your joycons. At least, that's an issue for me. Ladybug one has this issue where tilting slightly will cause it to tilt in-game, as if that's something the player will ever intentionally do. Just read for a full flip or something, idk why it's like this.
- Fire Emblem is still really hard. Genuinely so shocked I won it with bad rng in the run. Gotta be one of the wildest microgame wins I've had so far. Still dislike how overtuned it is but at least it functions.
- Pinball didn't show up once in the run but let it be known it was frustrating me to hell and back even more in this grind than the 9-Volt one. I still have no idea how this was approved in its current state. I think the only microgame worse would be the Kanji tracing one from Gold.
- Hit the Brake feels close to unreactable on max speed, ngl. Could be wrong, maybe there's more to it but getting that on high speed was like a 50/50 based on the first obstacle alone. And it loved chucking this one at me at the end.
- Idk why the boss order is static. I found it much more fun in Smooth Moves when it was random. Yes, it did dictate the difficulty of getting 100+ on any given run a little, but hell, it was exciting! It felt pretty mind-numbing to do the same ones over and over. Not a huge deal but it was irking me a bit.

To be honest, I think I mellowed out on a lot of microgames, which I guess is to be expected. Same thing happened with GiT and honestly most of the microgames here are reasonable. There's a lot of other hard ones I haven't mentioned because even though they annoy me, they are fair.

But all said and done, it feels like another case of overly ambitious tech being forced into the game and damaging its quality. Hand-model is the opposite of intuitive; you need to work pretty hard to figure it out. I feel like there's not much arguing it to be well-implemented from a game design perspective. Same goes for some other microgames I've seen floating around as really janky and non-responsive.

It's disappointing because it could've been a good chance to show off how much better motion detection and knowledge surrounding it has gotten, but honestly they might be broken in more places than Smooth Moves.

I do like this game, but I don't think it holds a candle to Get it Together, which is a game I think is more well put together in spite of having 18 characters to account for. It's still a worthy member of the series though, but I think a stage like this really puts on display how bad parts of this game can get. Most stages I pull off in like 4 or 5 runs with a little bit of practice on stages but this took almost 20 completed runs, with this being the tenth to break 85. Won't lie, it annoyed the hell out of me.


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