🍸am i ACTUALLY retired at 40?🍾 RETIRED AT 40 VLOG

Описание к видео 🍸am i ACTUALLY retired at 40?🍾 RETIRED AT 40 VLOG

We invested in real estate and rentals. It has large gains, good tax benefits and relatively low maintenance. It also pays you twice: It pays you a monthly return (rent) and it appreciates (what other asset do you own that does that?)
Here is my philosophy on retiring early:
1) Live below your means (don't get wrapped up in materialistic BS)
In fact, better yet, LIVE. LIFE. SIMPLE
2) If you can't pay cash for it, don't buy it! (debt will kill you twice, it
costs you interest and your "asset" is depreciating before you
even own it!)
3) Never stop learning and educating yourself
4) Master your craft (it doesn't matter what it is, if you are the
expert or the best at what you do, the income follows)
5) Get as much passive income as you can. Don't know what that
is? "SEE #3"

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